Posters Attendees interested in presenting recently completed research relating to sea-level rise and/or coastal planning issues are invited to submit a poster.   Posters will be displayed throughout the conference in the Oceania space (where teas and lunches will be served).   Posters are invited on the following topic areas:   Sea-level rise (causes and mechanisms) Sea-level rise projections and associated uncertainty Impacts of sea-level rise (on natural and/or built environment) Risk management in the context of coastal planning The interface between social and bio-physical research in coastal environments Applied cases studies incorporating sea-level rise projections into current and/or future planning Other related topics subject to approval from the conference organisers   Posters should be A0 in size [1189 x 841 mm] preferably in a portrait layout.   Posters will be presented on panels to which posters will attached with Velcro (supplied by the organisers).   If you wish to submit a poster for consideration please email your poster title and a brief abstract to Richard Nottage ( Conference Secretariat:  Conferences & Events Ltd.  Email:   Sponsors The NZCCC is a joint initiative by all of New Zealand’s Crown Research Institutes, Massey University, the University of Canterbury and Victoria University of Wellington. For more information about the NZCCC please visit our website: