Speakers Dr Rob Bell Rob has been involved for over 30 years in research and consultancy projects involving coastal engineering, natural hazards, climate change and water quality. As well as being directly involved in coastal and natural hazard projects for clients, he is also a principal researcher in NIWA’s Coast & Oceans Centre and Natural Hazards Centre. This includes applied research and monitoring for natural physical hazards, such as tsunami, storms, floods, waves, coastal erosion, maritime hazards and sea- level variability and change. Rob (BE(Hons) (Civil Engineering), PhD (Civil Engineering–Canterbury), CPEng) was a co-author of New Zealand’s guidance manual for local government on planning for coastal climate change and coastal hazards published by the Ministry for the Environment in 2008. He was an invited participant in the IPCC Working Group I Workshop on Sea-level Rise and Ice Sheet Instabilities in Kuala Lumpur in June 2010. Paula Blackett Paula has worked for AgResearch as a social scientist for the past 7 years.  She has transdiscplinary research experience in both ecology and social science and has been involved in a wide range of projects over her research career (roughly 16 years). This work has principally focused around: understanding stakeholder decision-making and values; engaging with the community and stakeholders around complex “wicked problems” in natural resource and hazard management where integration of socio- political and ecological issues are critical for informing policy, action and decision making. Paula currently is part of a NIWA-led Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change Programme looking at impacts of climate change on coastal communities and working on ways to engage with these potentially impacted communities.   Robin Britton Robin has over 25 years experience in local and central government policy and planning, covering many sectors and areas of interest, and specialising in coastal management. Robin has worked as an independent resource management consultant for the past 10 years, prior to which she has worked at regional council and district council levels.  Robin (MSocSc (REP)) has been involved in a wide range of projects, including more recently the NIWA-led Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change Programme, review of the NZCPS and various council plan provisions, along with aquaculture and marine spatial planning. Chris Cameron Chris Cameron has co-ordinated Wellington’s climate change response programme since 2008.  The city’s 2010 Climate Change Action Plan was recognised as a category winner in the 2011 New Zealand environmental “Green Ribbon Awards”.  Chris has been invited to speak at a range of conferences and events in both Australia and New Zealand, and has developed local, national and international networks.  He has led the programme to get electric vehicles operating in Wellington, as well as work to assess the city’s vulnerability to climate change impacts.  Previously with the Ministry for the Environment, Chris was a member of New Zealand delegations to international UN and IPCC climate change meetings prior to joining Wellington City Council. Dr John Church  John Church is CSIRO Fellow and an oceanographer with the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research.  He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and has published across a broad range of topics in oceanography.  His area of particular expertise is the role of the ocean in climate, particularly anthropogenic climate change.  He is co-editor of the books “Ocean Circulation and Climate” published by Academic Press and Understanding Sea-level Rise and Variability, published by Blackwells Publishing. He has been a Principal Investigator on NASA/CNES Topex/Poseidon and Jason Science Working Teams since 1987.  He was co-convening lead author for the Chapter on Sea Level in the IPCC Third Assessment Report and is currently co- convening lead author for the Chapter on Sea Level in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report.  He was Co-Chair of the international Scientific Steering Group for the World Ocean Circulation Experiment from 1994 to 1998, Chaired the Joint Scientific Committee of the World Climate Research Programme from 2006 to 2008 and co-chaired the 2006 WCRP Understanding Sea- level Rise and Variability Workshop. He was awarded the 2006 Roger Revelle Medal by Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, was a winner of a CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement in 2006, won the 2007 Eureka Prize for Scientific Research and presented the 2008 AMOS R.H. Clarke Lecture.  He is a member of the IPCC team that won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. James Crampton James Crampton leads GNS' Global Change Through Time Programme, which is concerned with the interpretation of paleoclimate records as analogues for modern climate change, and with modern and ancient carbon cycle dynamics.  His own research over the past few years has been concerned with the development of quantitative tools for improving the resolution of the geological timescale - which underpins all paleoenvironmental interpretations - and tools for the characterisation of ancient biodiversity change.  James received an honours degree from the University of Otago and a PhD from Cambridge University. Jim Dahm Jim is an applied coastal scientist with 26 years experience and has worked extensively with coastal hazard assessment and management for regional and district councils, developers, individual property owners, iwi groups, and central government. Jim’s practice places a strong emphasis on understanding and working with nature, community engagement and managing the human dimension of coastal hazards to avoid and reduce hazard risk. He has worked extensively with coastal setbacks and development controls, regional, district and local coastal hazard management strategies, management of coastal sand reserves, community change, national, district and regional hazard management policy, soft engineering approaches and managed retreat. He was also responsible for initiating community based dune restoration (Beachcare, Coastcare) programmes in New Zealand and is senior author of the national guidelines for this work. Jim has also worked with NIWA on a various projects, including their current Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change programme.   Back to top   Laurel Evans Laurel Evans recently graduated with her Ph.D. from Cardiff University and is now a Visiting Scholar at Victoria University of Wellington in the department of Psychology. Her thesis examined the rationality of gathering information about options, and her work now focuses on information about climate change and the environment. Her goal is to understand how people perceive climate change, what the barriers are to changing personal behaviour, and ultimately how to promote awareness and positive action to create change. She has been involved with a project on perception of sea-level rise in Wellington and Kapiti Coast districts, examining people's time perspectives and their understanding of extreme events, and she has also worked on projects involving environmental vs. self-interested values, and the relationship between environmentalism and reasoning ability. Professor Bruce Glavovic Professor Bruce Glavovic (BSc Agric (Natal) MSc Env Sc (Cape Town) MURP PhD (Virginia)) has an interdisciplinary education and over 25 years of experience in academia, private consulting and Government. He has worked mainly in South Africa, the USA, and New Zealand. He holds the Earthquake Commission (EQC) Chair in Natural Hazards Planning at Massey University and is Associate Director of the Joint Centre for Disaster Research. He is Vice- Chair of the Scientific Steering Committee of IGBP-IHDP Land-Oceans Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) programme; a member of the LOICZ-IMBER Continental Margins Task Team; and is leading a UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Technical Working Group to prepare international guidelines for addressing coastal hazards and climate change impacts. He is a contributing author to Working Group II’s chapter on Australasia in the IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report. His research focuses on building sustainable, hazard- resilient communities. It is clustered around natural hazards planning; adapting to climate change; environmental governance; negotiation, collaborative planning and consensus building; understanding poverty-environment linkages and driving forces; and integrated environmental management, with a particular focus on coastal, ocean and water resources. David Gregory David has over 30 experience in coastal planning, both here (Environment Canterbury) and in the UK. He is the principal author and project manager for the Regional Coastal Environment Plan for the Canterbury Region. This plan, which covers roughly 800km of coastline, was the first in New Zealand to incorporate Coastal Hazard Zones within its polices and rules. David's long experience includes working with central government on the original New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement and its 2010 replacement, as well as input to many of central government’s policy initiatives on coastal issues, most notably the complex process of aquaculture planning. He was involved in the promotion of the original Marine Mammal Sanctuary for Banks Peninsula (Hectors Dolphin). He is currently working through the implementation of the NZCPS, including mapping the coastal environment and assessing the policy implications of incorporating climate change and sea-level rise into the already earthquake disrupted coastline of Canterbury.   David has sailed, kayaked and walked around and over most of the Canterbury coast and claims the dubious distinction of nearly being ship-wrecked there! David is also a published author and is joint editor of a small publishing group based in Christchurch. This group has been responsible for publishing over thirty books. Adam Heath Adam Heath is accountable for IAG’s retail business from a product management, pricing and underwriting perspective.  Part of Adam’s role is to ensure IAG’s products adapt and respond to our growing understanding of the risks posed by New Zealand’s climate and geography - as well as maintaining the relevance and affordability of insurance for IAG’s customers.  Adam is currently involved in working though the implications for domestic insurance products of changes in reinsurance models and natural disaster cover arising from the Christchurch earthquakes. Prior to joining IAG Adam held senior product management and retail strategy positions in the banking and insurance businesses of the ASB Group.  Leigh Hopper Leigh is the principle shareholder and Managing Director of Hopper Developments Ltd, a long established family business based in Orewa. Hoppers are best known for their large master planned coastal communities including Pauanui and Whitianga (Coromandel Peninsula) and Marsden Cove (Whangarei Harbour). The company is also involved in civil and building construction, marinas, commercial property and more recently  retirement villages, aged care and tourism. Leigh maintains a traditional focus on sound design principles delivering highly desirable places with superior community outcomes. Colin James Colin James is a political journalist of nearly 40 years who writes columns in the Otago Daily Times and Management magazine. He runs the Hugo Group (www.TheHugoGroup.com), which has more than 100 medium and large corporate members at CEO level. He is a senior associate of the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, Victoria University, and a fellow of the Institute of Public Administration. He has given many papers at conferences, seminars and symposiums in seven countries. He has an honorary doctorate of literature from Victoria University and is immediate past chair of Motu Economic and Public Policy Research (www.Motu.org.nz). Colin has written six books and many chapters in books. His website is www.ColinJames.co.nz.  Darren Ngaru King Darren (links to Ngāti Raukawa) is an interdisciplinary research scientist with experience spanning the earth and human-systems sciences. He is a member of NIWA’s Māori Environmental Research Centre (Te Kūwaha) and National Climate Centre; and manages the Climate Applications Group based in Auckland. He was a contributing author for the ‘Indigenous People’ section of the Australia and New Zealand Chapter in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). His principal areas of research include (i) Climate and Māori society – investigating the linkages between human and biophysical systems including the factors that influence the risk, vulnerability and endurance of climate-sensitive sectors, systems and groups; (ii) Palaeotsunami reconstruction – assessing tsunami disturbance, recurrence and risk along New Zealand’s coast using grounded approaches in applied geology and indigenous (Māori) studies.   Back to top Chris Laidlaw Chris Laidlaw divides his time between hosting National Radio's high rating Sunday Morning programme, serving as a Wellington Regional Councillor, and writing columns and books. Dunedin- born, he is a graduate of Otago (MA Hons.) and Oxford (M.Litt.) Universities, and the University of Lyon in France.  He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1972, serving in Suva and Paris before joining the International Energy Agency at the OECD in 1977.  He became Commonwealth Secretary-General Shridath Ramphal's special assistant in London before returning to NZ to work as a Foreign Policy Advisor to PM David Lange.  He became NZ's first Ambassador on the African continent in 1986, and returned in 1989 to become Race Relations Conciliator. After a year as MP for Wellington Central he became CEO of WWF- NZ. He was elected to the Wellington Regional Council in 1998. He was a visiting fellow at the University of Melbourne in 2000 and has served as a Commonwealth Observer at numerous elections around the Commonwealth. Chris has served on several boards and is a trustee or patron of three organisations. He is also the author of three best-selling books including the recently published ‘Somebody stole my game’ (2010). Alison Lash Until recently, Alison worked across the Wellington region for 3 ½ years on climate change issues.  She lead Greater Wellington Regional Council’s work in this area, collaborating closely with other councils in the region and with a number of the global scientific experts based in the region’s Crown Research Institutes and at Victoria University. Prior to this, Alison spent 15 years in local government culminating in 7 years as Director of Wellington Zoo and the first CEO of the Wellington Zoo Trust.  At other stages of her working life she has been variously a teacher, a public servant and a builder. A strong interest in sustainability and conservation underpinned much of this work. Alison is currently contracting to the Kapiti Coast District Council on issues relating to adaptation to climate change impacts and maintains contact with colleagues in a number of other councils both in the Wellington region and nationally, discussing ideas, sharing information and picking brains. Judy Lawrence Judy is currently Adjunct Research Associate at the NZ Climate Change Research Institute (CCRI) at the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) and an objective leader for the CCRI led research programme on Community, Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation. Judy is also a PhD candidate in the School of Government at VUW exploring decision-making under uncertainty, dynamic change and long timeframes associated with climate change induced sea level rise and increased flood frequency. She is Director of PSConsulting Ltd which advises on science and climate change policy and related governance and institutional issues. Prior to this Judy held several senior positions in the New Zealand public service including former Director of the NZ Climate Change Office at the Ministry for the Environment, Convenor of the National Science Strategy Committee, CEO of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, and in the private sector as Environmental Strategy Manager at the Dairy Research Institute and internationally as an OECD consultant on sustainable development. Professor Martin Manning Professor Martin Manning was the founding Director of the New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute at Victoria University of Wellington and remains actively engaged in several research programmes. These are aimed at improving our ability to cope with a changing environment by building better interactions between science, policy and society. Martin was director of the Technical Support Unit for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I from 2002 to 2007 and was heavily involved in producing the Fourth Assessment Report for governments. He has worked in the USA, Canada, the UK and Germany, but has spent most of his life in New Zealand and in 2008 became an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for his services to climate change science. Back to top Steve Markham Steve Markham is Policy Manager at Tasman District Council.  He has comprehensive and a career history of 30 years experience and technical knowledge in strategic environmental management policy-making, across the entire spectrum of risk issues in resource management and related arenas of decision-making within the local government sector. A substantial period of managing this function in both regional councils and a unitary authority setting has allowed Steve to address the stretch of integrated risk inquiry, decision and action loops within public or community as well as organisational spheres of thinking. Tim Naish Professor Tim Naish is Director of the Antarctic Research Centre at Victoria University of Wellington and Principal Scientist at the New Zealand Crown Research Institute, GNS Science. He is a paleoclimatologist focussed on reconstructing past global sea-level changes from continental margin geological records. He has participated in 9 expeditions to Antarctica and helped found ANDRILL, an international Antarctic Geological DRILLing Program. He was co-chief scientist of ANDRILL’s McMurdo Ice Shelf Project which recovered sediment cores documenting the instability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. He is currently a Lead Author on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 5th Assessment Report. Tim Reeder Tim Reeder is the Regional Climate Change Programme Manager in the South East Region of the Environment Agency. He has been involved in climate change issues for over twenty years and contributed to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report and the UKCP09 projections report. He currently is the Built Environment Lead for the Environment Agency adaptation role. He was the Project Scientist for the Thames 2100 project, which looked at the future of the Thames Barrier and flood risk management in the Thames Estuary. Richard Reinen-Hamill Richard is one of New Zealand’s leading coastal engineers.  He has more than 20 years experience in coastal hazard assessments, considering the consequences of both existing processes and likely climate change effects.  In particular, Richard (BE(Hons), ME (Civil Engineering Auckland) has guided the planning and design of coastal development and infrastructure with examples including Oriental Bay Beach, Marsden Cove and the second Tauranga Harbour crossing.    Richard has worked with most New Zealand councils, completing coastal hazard assessments and mapping for a range of coast types including cliff, gravel and sandy coasts.  He has advised on the development of building guidelines within coastal hazard zones and provided technical review on the Ministry for Environment’s Guidance Manual for Local Government for coastal hazards and climate change.  Recently, Richard was the lead author for the Victorian Coastal Hazard Guideline (in publication) prepared by the Department of Sustainability and the Environment.  He is currently assisting Wellington City Council in considering the consequences of sea level rise and a management strategy for Ocean Beach in Dunedin. Helen Rouse Helen Rouse is a Resource Management Consultant at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA), with 15+ years’ experience in regional government and central government, research, and tertiary teaching in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. A key aspect of her role in NIWA is to incorporate technical information into a management (resource, hazard or general) context. This includes communicating between scientists and local government decision makers. Helen was a co-editor of an edited volume ‘The New Zealand Coast: Te Tai o Aotearoa’, published in 2003, and is leader of the NIWA-led Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change (CACC) project. Frances Sullivan Frances is currently working at Local Government New Zealand, a role she has undertaken for 4 years. In this role Frances provides policy advice, sector advocacy and stakeholder engagement across a diverse range of topics including climate change adaptation, the ETS, natural hazards policy, waste, biosecurity, building regulations and Pacific aid. She is a representative on the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s adaptation technical working group for Sustainable Land Management, MOTU Agdialogue, and the NIWA Atmosphere and Climate Centre Advisory Panel.  Previously Frances worked for two years in community development with New Zealand’s volunteer programme in Tanzania and at Environment Canterbury as a programme manager for land-based resources. Lauren Wetzell Lauren Wetzell earned her BS and MS degrees in Marine Science and has applied her technical background in the field of coastal hazards.  In the past four years, Ms. Wetzell worked in American Samoa as a Marine Science Instructor for the American Samoa Community College (a tertiary institute) and an Environmental Planner for the American Samoa Department of Commerce (AS- DOC). In these roles, Ms. Wetzell collaborated with team of professionals around the Pacific and built a Marine Science Program, helped the island conserve and protect their natural resources, and fostered sustainable development projects. She served as the Acting Subcommittee Environment Chair for the Commissioner’s Population Pressure and shared coordination of the Governor- appointed Climate Change Advisory Group. She coordinated AS-DOC’s and the Governor’s Coral Reef Advisory Group’s “Climate Change Summit” which resulted in Government support to develop a Climate Change Advisory Group and Territorial Climate Change Adaptation Framework.  In mid-February, Ms. Wetzell joined the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Environmental Hazards Group to provide technical support in natural hazards, specifically in the areas of flooding and sea level rise. Fran Wilde Hon Fran Wilde CNZM QSO has held a number of leadership positions in business and politics. She is currently Chair of the Greater Wellington Regional Council and also chair of the Local Government New Zealand Regional Sector Group, which comprises of Chairs and CEOs of all regional councils in New Zealand. Fran is a company director and has her own consultancy business, Fran Wilde & Associates Ltd. In politics Fran has been MP for Wellington Central, a Minister in the Labour Government of the 1980s and Mayor of Wellington. Leadership positions in business have included CEO of the New Zealand Trade Development Board and chair and/or director roles in the private and public sectors. In many of these positions Fran has been an effective change manager and in Wellington, in particular, has a legacy of successful initiatives. Fran is active in the philanthropic and community sectors. She has an honorary doctorate from Victoria University of Wellington and is a Fellow of the NZIM. Fran Wilde is married to Chris Kelly, CEO of Landcorp Farming Ltd, and has three adult children. Back to top      Conference Secretariat:  Conferences & Events Ltd.  Email:  nzccc2012@confer.co.nz   Sponsors The NZCCC is a joint initiative by all of New Zealand’s Crown Research Institutes, Massey University, the University of Canterbury and Victoria University of Wellington. For more information about the NZCCC please visit our website: www.nzclimatechangecentre.org