Draft Programme 31st Annual Meeting IFMSS Queenstown, New Zealand 30th March-4th April 2012 Friday 30th March 2pm-5pm Registration 6pm-8pm Welcome Reception Saturday 31st March 0800-0810 Welcome Remarks and Housekeeping 0810-0830 History of IFMSS “The 3rd Decade:- A slow change in direction” 0830-0905 The First Sir William Liley Memorial lecture. Professor Jane Harding “Fetal treatment for a healthy life” 0905-0930 Vandenberghe-Storz Awards 0905-0915 Growth factor stimulation of amnion mesenchymal cells for fetal membrane repair after iPPROM Kiveliö A, Ochsenbein-Kolble N, Zimmermann R, Ehrbar M University Hospital of Zurich 0915-0930 Staining of aminotic fluid with ‘meconium’ correlates with the presence of intestinal peel in children born with gastroschisis Moore S 1, Laudier B 1, Purdie G 2, Pringle K 1, 1 Wellington Hospital, 2 Otago Univeristy 0930-0940 Presentation of Travel Awards 0940-1030 Morning Tea 1030-1215 Vandenberghe-Storz Awards (Continued) 1030-1045 Craniofacial Repair with Fetal Bone Grafts Engineered from Amniotic Mesenchymal Stem Cells Gray F, Turner C, Klein J, Ahmed A, Zurakowski D, Fauza D Children's Hospital Boston 1045-1100 A Simplified Protocol for Human Mesenchymal Amniocyte-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Maintenance: Implications for Disease Models and Clinical Applicability Gray F, Ahmed A, Turner C, Klein J, Loh YH, Hartung O, Manos P, Daley G, Fauza D Children's Hospital Boston 1100-1115 Prenatal Tracheal Reconstruction with a Hybrid aMSC-Engineered Construct Derived From Decellularized Airway Gray F, Turner C, Ahmed A, Calvert C, Zurakowski D, Fauza D Children's Hospital Boston 1115-1130 Prospective Stillbirth Risk in Uncomplicated 3rd Trimester Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Danon D 1,2, Sekar R 1, Fisk N 1,2 1 Centre for Advanced Prenatal Care, The Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, 2 University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research 1130-1145 Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural crest stem cells integrate into the injured spinal cord in the fetal lamb model of myelomeningocele Saadai P 1, Wang A 2, Nout Y 3, Downing T 4, Lofberg K 1, Bresnahan J 1, Beattie M 1, Li S 4, Farmer D 2 1 University of California, San Francisco, 2 University of California, Davis, 3 Cal Poly Pomona, 4University of California, Berkeley 1145-1200 Biocompatible mussel-based adhesive reseals the amniotic membrane in an ex vivo uterine model Saadai P 1, Kwiat D 1, Gill J 2, Koch K 2, Lari D 2, Dworksy Z 1, Feldstein V 1, Messersmith P 3, Harrison M 1 1 University of California, San Francisco, 2 University of California, Berkeley, 3 Northwestern University 1200-1215 Biomarker profiles in maternal and cord blood in patients with preterm labor secondary to preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) Saadai P 1, Tsai C 1, Keating S 2, Norris P 2, Romero R 3, Kim C 3, Rand L 1, MacKenzie T 1 1 University of California, San Francisco, 2 Blood Systems Research Institute, San Francisco,  3 DMC Hutzel Women's Hospital, Detroit, Michigan 1215-1300 Lunch 1300-1500 Panel Discussion “Fetal Repair of Spina Bifida in the Post-MOMS Trial era” Alan Flake (CHOP), Kelly Bennett (Vanderbilt), Shin Hirose (UCSF), Ed Yang (St Louis), Jose Piero (Barcelona) & 1 other USA Centre TBA 1500-1520 Afternoon Tea 1520-1715 “Brains & Backs” 1520-1535 Prenatal treatment with mesenchymal stem cells and scaffolds reduce spinal astroglial reactivity and local inflammation in the teratogenic model of myelomeningocele Encinas J 1, Peiró J 2, de Miguel F 1, Frias M 1, Lancha S 1, Carceller F 1, Tovar J 1 1 Hospital La Paz, 2 Hospital Vall d´Hebron 1535-1550 Stem Cell Therapy For Posterior Arch Bone Regeneration In A Fetal Sheep Myelomeningocele Model. Preliminary Results Peiro J 1, Fontecha C 1, Codinach M 1, Rodriguez L 1, Romagosa C 1, Encinas J 2, Soldado F 1, Aguirre M 1, Martinez-ibañez V 1 1 Fetal Surgery Program. Pediatric Surgery, Orthopaedics and Bioengineering Labora, 2 Pediatric Surgery. Hospital Universitario La Paz. Madrid. Spain 1550-1605 One-Single Port Fetoscopy For Myelomeningocele Repair In The Fetal Lamb Peiro J 1, Fontecha C 1, Fonseca C 1, Esteves M 1, Martinez-Ibañez V1, Ruano R 2, Belfort M 2 1 Fetal Surgery Program. Pediatric Surgery, Orthopaedics and Bioengineering Laboratory. Research Institute of Hospital Universitari Vall d`Hebron. Barcelona. Spain., 2 Texas Children's Fetal Center. Baylor College of Medicine. Houston. Texas. USA 1605-1620 The value of US and MRI in the assessment of pregnancies with primary CMV infection Lipitz S, Weisz B, Hoffman C, Feldman B, Chyen B, Tepperberg M, Yinon Y Dept. of Ob&Gyn, The Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel            1620-1635 1635-1650 From 1730 Evening Function Sunday 1st April 0800-1000 Chest & Hearts 0800-0815 Cardiac progenitor cell recruitment during fetal mammalian cardiac regeneration following MI Liechty K 1, Allukian M 2, Morris M 1, Xu J 1, Caskey R 1, Mitchell M 1, Gorman J 2, Gorman R 2 1 University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 0815-0830 Resilience of the human fetal lung following stillbirth: Potential relevance for pulmonary regenerative medicine De Paepe M, Chu S, Heger N, Hall S, Mao Q, Luks F Alpert Medical School of Brown University 0830-0845 Early Fetoscopic Tracheal Occlusion For Severe Pulmonary Hypoplasia In A Bilateral Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Peiro J 1, Ruano R 2, Carreras E 1, Sanchez-Duran M 1, Arevalo S 1, Molino J 1, Martinez-Ibañez V 1 1 Fetal Surgery Program. Pediatric Surgery, Orthopaedics and Bioengineering Laboratory. Research Institute of Hospital Universitari Vall d`Hebron. Barcelona. Spain., 2 Texas Children's Fetal Center. Baylor College of Medicine. Houston. TX-USA. 0845-0900 Exit-To- Resection for Fetuses With Large Lung Masses and Persistent Mediastinal Compression Near Birth Cass D, Oluyinka O, Cassady C, Ivey RT, Ayres N, ,Olutoyin O, Lee TC Texas Children’s Fetal Center, Houston, TX, USA 0900-0915 The International Fetal Cardiac Intervention Registry (IFCIR): Update Moon-Grady A1, Wilkins-Haug L2, Devlieger R3, Tworetzky4, Oepkes D5 1UCSF Fetal Treatment Center, 2Brigham and Women's Hospital, Maternal Fetal Medicine, 3University Hospital Leuven, Fetomaternal Medicine, 4Advanced Fetal Care Center, 5Children's Hospital Boston, Leiden University Medical Center, Maternal-Fetal Medicine 1000-1030 Morning Tea 1030-1230 General Techniques & Miscellaneous 1030-1045 A Novel Device for the Detection of Uterine Contractions Aina-Mumuney A 1, Blakemore K 1, Hwang K 2, Sunwoo S 2 1 Johns Hopkins University Sch of Medicine, 2 Johns Hopkins University School of Bioengineering 1045-1100 Super Eyes and Hands for Future Fetal Endoscopic Surgery Chiba T National Center for Child Health and Development 100-1115 Amnioport: an adjunctive method for maintaining normal amniotic fluid volume Polzin W 1,2, Lim F 1, Habli M 1,2, VanHook J 1,3 1 Fetal Care Center of Cincinnati, 2 Good Samaritan Hospital, 3 University of Cincinnati 1115-1130 Giant Placental Chorioangioma: Techniques in Fetoscopic Devascularization and Outcomes Polzin W 1,2, Lim F 1, Habli M 1,2, VanHook J 1,3 1 Fetal Care Center of Cincinnati, 2 Good Samaritan Hospital, 3 University of Cincinnati 1230-1315  Lunch  1315 on  Free Time Optional Tours Own Arrangements for Dinner  Monday 2nd April 0800-1000 Screening & Genetics 0800-0815 Amniocentesis in low-risk population, should be offered to all pregnant women? Appelman Z 1, 2, Bachar A 2, Josefsberg Ben-Yehoshua S 1, Gerard L 2 1 Kaplan Medical Center, 2 Herzliya Medical Center, Israel 0815-0830 0830-0845 1000-1030 Morning Tea 1030-1245 Twins 1030-1045 Maternal and fetal safety of fluid-restrictive general anesthesia for endoscopic fetal surgery in monochorionic twin gestations Duron V, Watson-Smith D, Benzuly S, Muratore C, O'Brien B, Carr S, Luks F Alpert Medical School of Brown University 1045-1100 Correlation between cord insertion type and superficial choriovasculature in diamniotic monochorionic twin placentas De Paepe M, Shapiro S, Hanley C, Chu S, Luks F Alpert Medical School of Brown University 1100-1115 Duration of laser time and operative time impact pregnancy outcome and survival in twin-twin transfusion syndrome treated with fetoscopic laser Polzin W 1,2, Lim F 1, Habli M 1,2, VanHook J 1,3 1 Fetal Care Center of Cincinnati, 2 Good Samaritan Hospital, 3 University of Cincinnati 1115-1130 Prenatal Mitral Valve Regurgitation and its Relation to Fetal Outcome of Recipient Twins in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Moon-Grady A, Ezeokoli N, Feldstein V, Hirose S, Rand L UCSF Fetal Treatment Center 1245-1330  Lunch  1330  Leave for Tour TSS Earnslaw to Walter Peak, Afternoon Tea and Farm Tour. Return 1700 1800  Depart for Dinner at Gibbston Valley Winery  Tuesday 3rd April 0800-1000 Abdomen 0800-0815 Giant omphaloceles v. gastroschisis: A 5-year cohort study Watson-Smith D, Muratore C, Steigman S, Aidlen J, Kurkchubasche A, Tracy T, Luks F Alpert Medical School of Brown University 1000-1030 Morning Tea 1030-1230 Scientific Session 1230-1315  Lunch  1300-1500 Scientific Session 1500-1520 Afternoon Tea 1520-1715 Scientific Session 1800 Depart for Conference Dinner Skyline Restaurant Wednesday 4th April 0830-1000 Business Meeting 1000-1030 Morning Tea 1030-1200 Scientific Session (if needed) 1200 Close 1200-1300 Lunch