Call for Abstracts


The call for abstracts  is now closed.  Thank you to everyone who has submitted an abstract.  If you have any queries please email [email protected] 


Abstract submission openApril 2016
Registration open April 2016
Abstract submission deadline (extended) 30 September
Authors advised of acceptance (for those who submitted by August deadline) 9 September
Early-bird registration closes4 November 2016
Presenters must register and pay 18 November 2016
Presenters notified of slot in programme 1 December 2016
AMN 8 Conference 12-16 February 2017
Closing date for full papers28 February 2017

Conference Topics

Technical symposia will be organised around the following themes, broadly including all aspects of nanotechnology and advanced materials science:

Biological Interface
Carbon nanostructures and graphene
Engineered nanosystems
Functional materials
Inorganic hybrid materials
Magnetic materials
Metal-organic frameworks
Molecular materials
Nanofabrication and devices
Nanoscale Structures
Nanopore science
Optical materials and plasmonics
Organic Electronics
Physical Phenomena
Porous materials
Quantum effects in solids
Soft materials
Topological insulator

You will have the opportunity to indicate your areas of interest through the online abstract submission process.

Abstract Format
Please CLICK HERE to download the abstract template.

Please keep the total length of your abstract to within one page of the template.  The abstract must be submitted in the template provided as a word document and must adhere to the guidelines detailed therein and should outline the aims and content of the presentation.

Presentation Formats
Oral presentations will be allocated 45 (Plenary); 25 (Keynote) or 15 minutes (Session), which will accommodate the presentation followed by short discussion.

Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference.  Each poster will be allocated a 1 metre wide x 2 meters high board and the poster must fit within this area.  The boards are covered in a front runner material which are suitable for Velcro (supplied by the organisers).

You will have the opportunity to select your preferred format during the online abstract submission process.

Abstract Review
Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the conference organising committee who will do their best to accommodate the wishes of the submitters for oral or poster presentations. However, it is expected that due to the large number of submissions that some requests for oral presentations will have to be assigned as posters.  If your submission is not accepted for an oral presentation it is not a reflection of the quality of your submission but rather due to time constraints and the need to ensure all aspects of the conference topics are adequately covered. The organisers reserve the right to reject submitted abstracts that are poorly written, do not follow the submission guidelines and/or are outside the scope of the conference.  Notification of acceptance will be emailed by 9th Septebmer.

Audiovisual Equipment
Each room at the conference venue will have a minimum of the following:

  • Dataprojector
  • Laptop
  • Screen

Presenters should bring their presentation to the conference on a memory stick.  A technician will be onsite to load your presentation.  However you will be emailed 2-3 weeks prior to the conference by the organisers who will ask for you to email your presentation if you have it ready.

Presenters Registration
All presenters, other than those specifically sponsored, or those advised by the Conference Committee as being registration fee exempt, are required to register and pay for the conference.  Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs. Presenters need to register and pay by 18 November 2016 otherwise their paper risks being removed from the programme.

Re-Accessing your Abstract Submission

When you submit your abstract you will be given an access key.  If you wish to submit a new abstract or replace an existing abstract you can do this through the abstract link prior to the closing date of 31 August 2016.

Full Papers
The guidelines for presenters to submit full papers will be available on this conference website by November 2016.  Please note submissions must be limited to 6 pages within the template and inclusion in the International Journal of Nanotechnology is by strict selection. Authors will be advised the outcome of their submission in the weeks following the conference.

Please ensure you join our mailing list  to receive updates and reminders for the call for papers deadlines.


Conference Organising Committee

Prof. Paul Kruger, (Conference Chair), Department of Chemistry, University of Canterbury

Dr Volker Nock, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Canterbury

Prof. Bill Williams, Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University

Dr Geoff Willmott, Department of Physics, University of Auckland

Assoc. Prof. Cather Simpson (Conference Proceedings), Department of Physics and School of Chemical Sciences, University of Auckland