Call for Contributors - Abstract submissions are now closed
The organising committee of SciCon 2010 invites your contribution to workshops and presentations that showcase
and support science education. The following areas are suggested as a guide:
- Strategies for teaching/learning science
- Research in science education
- Effective use of ICT
- Science and other learning areas
- Working with the new curriculum
- Assessment in science
- Maori and Pasifika learners
- Curriculum resources
- Inquiry learning
- Indigenous knowledge and perspectives
- Science literacy and numeracy
- Working with gifted and talented students
- Integrating science into other learning areas
- Contexts and stories for science
- Primary science activities
Formats might include
Hands on workshops
Position papers that open up dialogue
Research presentations
Sharing of practical innovations
Important dates
Closing date for Abstracts 23 April 2010
Authors advised of acceptance 3 May 2010
14 May 2010
Early registration closes 21 May 2010
Instructions for presenters
1) Workshops and Oral Presentations:
- Presenters will be allowed 45, 60 or 90 minutes including question and answer period.
- The abstract should be no longer than 300 words.
- Abstracts must contain a title, author names and their affiliations.
- File Type: Microsoft Word only. Font: Arial pt 11.
- Presenting author must be highlighted.
- PowerPoint is the preferred option for presentation.
- Other presentation facilities including laboratories and computer suites are available by arrangement.
2) Poster Presentations:
A poster is a great opportunity for you to show case your work in a
different way.
Posters are a visual presentation only.
- Posters should measure 1m wide x 1.5m high maximum.
- All poster content must be laminated to a single item.
will be on display throughout the conference. Time will be programmed
for authors to stand by their work and dialogue with delegates
individually or in small casual clusters as delegates wander through
the display.
If you have research or ideas that you’d like to
share, but would prefer not to present a workshop, this can be less
daunting and/or if you’re too busy to prepare a workshop then consider
sharing your work through a poster presentation.
Which level will you present for?
You will be asked to indicate which level your workshop is aimed at: (you may choose more than one)
Primary 1 – 4
Primary 5 - 8
Junior 9 – 10
Senior 11
Senior 12 - 13
Abstract submissions are now closed.
Please note this will not register you for the conference.
Abstract Review
Presentations will be reviewed by the Committee. Notification of acceptance will be emailed by
30th April 2010
Audiovisual Equipment
Each room at the conference venue will have a minimum of the following:
- Data projector
- Laptop
- Screen
should bring their presentation to the conference on a memory stick or
CD Rom. A technician will be onsite to load your
presentation. However you will be emailed 2-3 weeks prior to the
conference by the organizers who will ask for you to email your
presentation if you have it ready.
Presenters Registration
presenters, other than those specifically sponsored, or those advised
by the Conference Committee as being registration fee exempt, are
required to register for at least the day of their presentation.
Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs.
Re-Accessing your Abstract Submission
you submit your abstract you will be given an access key. If you
wish to submit a new abstract or replace an existing abstract you can
do this through the abstract link prior to the closing date of 23 April

Gold Sponsors

Faculty of Science
Science Learning Hub

Roger Osborne Lecture Sponsor
General sponsor
