Call for Papers


Abstract submission is now closed.  The committee may consider late submissions, please email [email protected] if you have an abstract that you’d like considered for presentation.


Abstracts are invited on any area of physics research, teaching or application. As part of the International Year of Light, abstracts on light-based physics will be particularly welcomed.  Presentations from students are also encouraged.

Abstracts are submitted online through the conference website. You will be given the option to indicate if you would like to present your submission as an oral presentation, as a poster presentation or as a speed talk and a poster (or any of these options).  The speed talk is a new presentation format that we will consider introducing in 2015 where you will be allocated a 4 minute slot and will be able to show 8 slides in this time giving 30 seconds for each slide.

Important Dates:

Monday 11th May 2015Abstract Submission Deadline
Friday 22nd May 2015Authors Notified of Outcome
Friday 5th June 2015Early Registration Deadline