Call for Abstracts


Abstract submission is now closed.  Thanks to all those that submitted an abstract, we’ve had a great response!


You will be asked to indicate the theme which your abstract/proposal is relevant to.  The conference themes are:

  • Environmental – housing, design, urban design, assistive technology
  • Physical – health and sensory aspects, preventive health
  • Mental – stimulation, brain health, prevention of dementia
  • Social – connection, participation, community involvement, paid and unpaid work



Presentation Formats

Oral presentations will be allocated 15 minutes; 10 minutes for presentation with 5 minutes for discussion.

Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference. Each poster will be allocated a 1 metre wide x 2 meters high board and the poster must fit within this area. The boards are covered in a front-runner material that is suitable for Velcro.

Paper and poster abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and should outline the aims and content of the presentation. Please do not spend your time documenting population ageing – you can take that as read!  IMPORTANT: IF YOUR SUBMISSION IS COMPLETED CORRECTLY, YOU WILL RECEIVE EMAIL CONFIRMATION.  IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THIS CONFIRMATION, YOUR ABSTRACT HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED.

Speed Talk presentations will be allocated 5 minutes to present 10 slides for 30 seconds each.  Slides are to be formatted to the downloadable template below.  This is a new format for NZAG, and is an excellent way to promote interest and discussion. Proposals for speed talk sessions should be no longer than 250 words, outlining the idea / initiative to be presented and the source of illustrative material. See below for full instructions on Speed Talks.


Important Dates

  • Abstracts accepted from Friday 8th January 2016
  • Closing Date for Abstracts: Monday 30th May 2016
  • Authors Notified of Acceptance: Thursday 7th July 2016
  • Early Bird Registration Closes: Monday 18th July 2016


Abstract Review

Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations will be reviewed by the Conference Committee and/or it’s nominees. Notification of acceptance will be via email.


Audio Visual Equipment

The conference will be held on the Conference Floor, Level 16 at the James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor in Wellington. Each room at the venue will have a minimum of the following:

  • Data projector
  • Laptop
  • Screen

Presenters are asked to bring their presentation to conference on a clean USB stick (i.e. presentation only to be on USB).   A technician will be onsite to load your presentation. If ready prior to conference, your presentation can be emailed to the Conference Secretariat on [email protected]Please state clearly in the email your name, date and time of presentation and title.


Presenters Registration

All presenters (other than those specifically sponsored or advised by the Conference Committee as being exempt) are required to register for conference. Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs.


 Guidelines for Speed Talk Presentations

The idea of Speed Talks is to showcase new ideas and initiatives, in this case which contribute to ‘Making Active Ageing a Reality’.  Presentations should be snappy, current and well-illustrated – not with wordy slides but with pictures of people doing things, e.g. using a cafe attached to a rest home, taking part in exercise or dancing classes, learning new skills or ways to prevent illness and disability.

Although new for NZAG, this format has been used successfully in many conferences and is a good way to promote interest and discussion.

For those wishing to do a Speed Talk presentation, we have prepared the following instructions.

  1. Please prepare your slides in PowerPoint format using the downloadable template below. Please ensure you bring this presentation with you to conference on a clean USB (i.e. no other documents on stick).
  1. If you have your slides available in advance of conference please email these to the Conference Secretariat [email protected] clearly stating your name, time and date of session and your presentation name
  1. Outline for presenting:
    • You will have exactly 5 minutes and 10 slides (30 seconds for each slide) for your presentation. The slide changer will be automatically timed to change at 30 second intervals and it will cease at 5 minutes so you will not be able to go over time. The skill in this type of presentation is to get your message across with few words and with clear, interesting and striking images. In 30 seconds there is only enough time for about 3 short sentences.
    • On your first slide you will need to introduce yourself and your topic.
    • Your presentation must be delivered to the Audio-Visual Technician onsite at the conference venue before start of the conference day (if not provided in advance).
    • It is important to practice your presentation beforehand so that you have enough, but not too much, to say in 30 seconds.
  1. Please be available in the session room to introduce yourself to the session chairperson prior to the session.
  1. Please sit at the front of the room.
  1. At the start of your presentation, the chair will briefly introduce you and then handover.
  1. Please be available for queries from participants after your presentation.

Any questions please contact the Conference Secretariat [email protected].


Download Speed Talk Template below.  Please note, this is a blank 16:9 template.

NZAG Slide Template for Speed Talks.ppt