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       Speaker Abstracts

Details of the speaker Abstracts will be posted as they become available.

Daniel Nocera (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Personalized Energy for 1 (� 6 Billion)

Abstract. The capture and storage of solar energy at the individual level – personalized solar energy – drives inextricably towards the heart of this energy challenge by addressing the triumvirate of secure, carbon neutral and plentiful energy. Because energy use scales with wealth, point-of-use solar energy will put individuals, in the smallest village in the non-legacy world and in the largest city of the legacy world, on a more level playing field. Moreover, personalized energy (PE) is secure because it is highly distributed and the individual controls the energy on which she/he lives. Finally, the doubling of global energy need by mid-century and tripling by 2100 is driven by 3 billion low-energy users in the non-legacy world and by 3 billion people yet to inhabit the planet over the next half century. The possibility of generating terawatts of carbon-free energy, and thus providing society with its most direct path to realizing a low GHG future, may be realized by making solar PE available to the 6 billion new energy users by high throughput manufacturing. Notwithstanding, current options to harness and store solar energy at the individual level are too expensive to be implemented, especially in a non-legacy world. The imperative to science is to develop new materials, reactions and processes that enable personalized solar energy to be sufficiently inexpensive to penetrate global energy markets and especially the non-legacy world.
Personalized energy at low cost presents new basic research targets. Because personalized energy will be possible only if solar energy is a 24/7 available supply, the key enabler for personalized energy is inexpensive storage. Studies in the Nocera group have led to the creation of a new catalyst that captures many of the functional elements of photosynthesis and in doing so provides a highly manufacturable and inexpensive method to effect a carbon-neutral and sustainable method for solar storage – solar fuels from water-splitting. By developing an inexpensive 24/7 solar energy system for the individual, a carbon-neutral energy supply for 1 � 6 billion becomes available.

Prof Akihiko Kudo
Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo University of Science,
1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601 Japan.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Photocatalysts for solar hydrogen production

The importance of hydrogen energy has recently been re-recognized because of the interest in clean energy. Hydrogen must be produced from water using a renewable energy source, if one considers the energy and environmental issues. Therefore, photocatalytic water splitting is a challenging reaction because it is an ultimate solution to these serious problems. In the present paper, we introduce various metal oxide and sulfide photocatalysts aiming at water splitting [1]. Many visible-light-driven photocatalysts have been developed through band engineering by doping of metal cations, new valence formation, and by making solid solution. Among them, Ru/SrTiO3 doped with Rh showed high activity for H2 evolution from aqueous solutions containing a reducing reagent under visible light irradiation. BiVO4 showed high activity for O2 evolution in the presence of sacrificial reagent (Ag+). Overall water splitting under visible light irradiation has been achieved by construction of a Z-scheme photocatalysis system employing these visible-light-driven photocatalysts (Ru/SrTiO3:Rh and BiVO4) and an Fe3+/ Fe2+ redox couple as an electron mediator. Moreover, Z-scheme photocatalysis system consisting of Ru/SrTiO3:Rh and BiVO4 without the electron mediator showed activity for water splitting when pH was adjusted at 3.5. These Z-scheme systems with and without an electron mediator were active for solar water splitting. Although the photon energy conversion using powdered photocatalysts is not at the stage of practical use, the research in photocatalytic water splitting is being advanced.

[1] A. Kudo and Y. Miseki, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 253-278.

Professor James K. McCusker
Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University

Ultrafast Excited-state Processes in Transition Metal-based Chromophores:
From Fundamental Photophysics to Applications in Energy Science

Recent attention to the dangers of climate change has spurred renewed efforts toward developing carbon-neutral sources of energy. With global energy needs expected to at least double by 2050, the urgency of finding alternatives to fossil fuels is very real. Although there is no “silver bullet” for this impending crisis – all possible avenues must be explored – solar energy stands out as one option that has perhaps the greatest potential in terms of worldwide application. At present, one of the fundamental problems associated with large-scale implementation of solar-based energy technologies is cost. In 1991, O’Regan and Gr�tzel published a report that heralded a new direction in the development of low-cost photovoltaics. By exploiting the concept of dye-sensitization of semiconductors, these workers fabricated a solar cell based on a mesoporous film of nanocrystalline TiO2. In conjunction with a molecular chromophore, these devices have the potential to form the basis of photoconversion strategies that could make solar energy economically competitive. In order to realize this technological goal, however, there are a number of scientific issues that must be addressed and ultimately overcome.
This seminar will highlight our efforts to develop semiconductor-based dye-sensitized photovoltaics based on chromophores involving first-row transition metal complexes. The motivation for this line of research stems largely from the lower cost and greater scalability associated with these materials as opposed to the second- and third-row complexes currently being employed. In the course of our research, we have discovered that differences in electronic structure endemic to first-row versus isoelectronic second- or third-row complexes give rise to a fundamental change in the excited-state dynamics of such compounds that directly impacts the ability to incorporate this class of molecules into this technology. The key experimental findings establishing this paradigm will be described, along with strategies that we are currently pursuing to circumvent these problems in order to realize cheaper, more efficient photovoltaic devices.

Cather Simpson (University of Auckland)
A New Twist in the Tale:  Ultrafast Dynamics of Diphosphenes and Phosphaalkenes

Diphosphenes are a relatively new class of molecules that contain a central –P=P– bond stabilized by bulky protecting groups.  As the chemical cousins of stilbenes (-C=C-) and azobenzenes (-N=N-), diphosphenes have potential for use as photoactive elements in photonic devices.  However, while a great deal is known about the photobehaviour of stilbenes and azobenzenes, virtually no detailed information about the photophysics and photochemistry of molecules with heavier main group double bonds, like diphosphenes, has been reported. Here we present the first spectroscopic observations of the ultrafast dynamics of these molecules.  Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (fsTRA) of the excited states of diphosphenes in solution (~100 fs resolution) has been used in conjunction with high-level quantum mechanical calculations (CASPT2//CASSCF) to explore the response of diphosphenes to photoexcitation in resonance with the low-lying n-*, the -*, and the higher-lying * states.  The lifetimes of the transient intermediate states are very short, with the dynamics complete in about a nanosecond.  The presence of conical intersections in the computational findings – and the absence of significant fluorescence emission – supports these rapid electronic state interconversions.  Intriguingly, preliminary results indicate that the triplet manifold may play an important role in diphosphene photochemistry.  Such behaviour would represent a significant departure from the all-singlet paradigm of stilbene and azobenzene photochemistry.

Hiroshi Miyasaka, Tetsuro Katayama, Yukihide Ishibashi
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Center for Quantum Science and
Technology under Extreme Conditions, Osaka University, and CREST,
Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan

Femtosecond Delocalization Dynamics of Cationic States in Photoconductive Poly(N-vinylcarbazole) Amorphous Solid.

Poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVCz) is one of the most well-known organic photoconductive materials. PVCz and its analogues are still regarded as representative references and widely utilized as building units in advanced functional systems. A scheme based on the Onsager model has been conventionally employed
for interpretation of primary processes in the photoconduction, where the key process is rapid increase in the interionic distance during thermalization (ca. 10 ps) after photoinduced charge separation (CS).

On the other hand, direct detection by picosecond transient dichroism measurements revealed that the hole escapes from the initial ion pair with a time constant of 1 ns, in competition with geminate charge recombination in the initial charge-separated state, followed by the sequential hole hopping process. Clear
elucidation of these two conflicting models described above is quite important for the comprehensive understanding of the carrier photo-generation phenomenon and for rationally designing advanced organic photoconductive materials and other systems related to electron transport.

Along this line, we have investigated the photoprimary processes in PVCz solid films doped with an electron acceptor by means of femtosecond dichroism measurement in the visible region and of transient absorption spectroscopy in the near-infrared (NIR) region. From these measurements, it was observed that the cationic state of the carbazolyl group undergoes very rapid delocalization in sub-ps to several ps time region, leading to the reduction of the Coulombic attraction between the cation and the counter anion. The role of the delocalization in the subsequent hole migration reaction will be discussed in detail.

Scheme 1. Reaction scheme for the electron transfer processes in the photoconductive PVCz solid film doped with an electron acceptor after photoinduced charge separation between A and D. Here, D is a carbazolyl unit (an electron donor) and A is an electron acceptor. Charge recombination processes are not written in the scheme. Typical value of n, which is the number of the D unit in the delocalized cation, is ≥ 3.

Guoqiang Yang
Key Laboratory of Photochemistry, Institute of Chemistry,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China. Email: [email protected]

Photoluminescent materials: structure, property and high pressure effect

Excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) compounds and intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) compounds have attracted much attention for their luminescent properties. The luminescent characteristics of the compounds are sensitive to the environment, include the high pressure. For the ESIPT compounds, a fast four-level photophysical cycle occurs immediately after photo-excitation. The emission from the proton transfer state gives abnormally large Stokes shift and no self-absorption is detected. For the ICT compounds, the emission shows red shift with the increasing of the solvent polarity. Meanwhile, significant changes of the luminescent properties are observed from solution to aggregation. For the good photo-stability and unique luminescent properties, ESIPT compounds and ICT compounds are expected to be potential intrinsic luminescent materials and could be used as special probes for small molecules and metallic ions. 

  1. Rui Hu, Jiao Feng, Dehui Hu, Shuangqing Wang, Shayu Li,Yi Li and Guoqiang Yang, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 49 (29), 4915-4918 (2010).
  2. Wenhao Sun, Shayu Li, Rui Hu, Yan Qian, Shuangqing Wang, Guoqiang Yang,J. Phys. Chem. A, 113, 5888–5895 (2009).
  3. Xiuping Li, Yan Qian, Shuangqing Wang, Shayu Li, Guoqiang Yang, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113 (9), 3862-3868 (2009).
  4. Qian Wang, Shayu Li, Liming He, Yan Qian, Xiuping Li, Wenhao Sun, Min Liu, Juan Li, Yi Li, Guoqiang Yang , ChemPhysChem, 9, 1146-1152(2008).
  5. Yan Qian, Shayu Li, Guoqi Zhang, Qian Wang, Shuangqing Wang, Huijun Xu, Chengzhang  Li, Yi Li, Guoqiang Yang, J. Phys. Chem. B, 111, 5861-5868(2007).
  6. Shayu Li, Qian Wang, Yan Qian, Shuangqing Wang, Yi Li, Guoqiang Yang, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, 11793-11800 (2007).
  7. Shayu Li, Liming He, Fei Xiong, Yi Li, Guoqiang Yang, J. Phys. Chem., B, 108(30), 10887(2004)

Keith Millington
(Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization)
Studying the photodegradation of materials using chemiluminescence

Keith R. Millington 1, Michael J. Jones 1 and Siti Farhana Zakaria 2
1 CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering, Belmont, VIC 3216, Australia.
2 School of Fashion and Textiles, RMIT University, Brunswick, VIC 3056, Australia.

Polymers and organic materials that are exposed to sunlight undergo photooxidation, which leads to deterioration of their physical properties. To allow adequate performance under outdoor conditions, synthetic polymers require additives such as antioxidants and UV absorbers. A major problem with optimising polymer formulations to maximise their working lifetime is that accelerated weathering tests are empirical. The conditions differ significantly from real weathering situations, and samples require lengthy irradiation times. No degradation may be apparent in the early stages of exposure, although this is when products such as hydroperoxides are formed which later cause acceleration of oxidation.

Chemiluminescence (CL) has been widely used to study the thermal oxidation of organic materials. CL originates from side reactions of peroxy radical and hydroperoxide intermediates formed during early stages of the autoxidation chain reaction. However the application of CL to study the photodegradation of materials has been very limited. We describe a simple modification to a commercial CL instrument (Lumipol 3) and an effective experimental protocol to study the photo-induced chemiluminescence (PICL) from irradiated materials. The CL instrument was reversibly modified to allow in situ irradiation with selected wavelengths from a medium-pressure mercury arc via a liquid light pipe, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Lumipol CL instrument linked to Lumatec light source for PICL studies. Inset shows the adaptor which allows samples to be irradiated with wavelengths above 320 nm.

We have applied the PICL technique to polymer films and coatings, fibrous webs, such as textile fabrics or paper, and powdered samples, and the effects of additives, dyes and pigments on the rate of oxidation can also be assessed.


Kenneth Kam-Wing Lo
Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, P. R. China.  E-mail: [email protected]

Luminescence and Biological Properties of New Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Polypyridine Complexes

Many cyclometalated iridium(III) polypyridine complexes exhibit intense and long-lived emission that is very sensitive to the molecular structures and local environments of the complexes.  These interesting properties allow the complexes to serve as useful probes for various biological molecules including oligonucleotides, peptides, and proteins.  We have attached amine- and sulfhydryl-specific reactive functional groups such as isothiocyanate, aldehyde, and iodoacetamide to cyclometalated iridium(III) polypyridine complexes of the type [Ir(N^C)2(N^N)]+ to yield new luminescent labels for biomolecules.  Additionally, we have designed related iridium(III) polypyridine complexes appended with various biological substrates including indole, -estradiol, biotin, and lipids, and utilized the complexes as luminescent probes for indole-binding proteins, estrogen receptors, avidin, and lipid-binding proteins, respectively.  Some of these complexes show interesting dual-emissive properties that enable the biological binding event to be reflected by a change of emission profiles of the probes.  Furthermore, we have recently developed DNA-metallointercalators, dendrimers, and PEGylation reagents derived from luminescent iridium(III) polypyridine complexes.  We have focused on the molecular design, photophysical properties, biomolecule-binding behavior, cytotoxicity, and cellular-uptake characteristics of these luminescent probes.

  1. Lo, K. K.-W.; Zhang, K. Y.; Chung, C.-K.; Kwok, K. Y. Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13, 7110 – 7130.
  2. Lo, K. K.-W.; Zhang, K. Y.; Leung, S.-K.; Tang, M.-C. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 2213 – 2216.
  3. Zhang, K. Y.; Li, S. P.-Y.; Zhu, N.; Or, I. W.-S.; Cheung, M. S.-H.; Lam, Y.-W.; Lo, K. K.-W. Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 2530 – 2540.
  4. Zhang, K. Y.; Liu, H.-W.; Fong, T. T.-H.; Chen, X.-G.; Lo, K. K.-W. Inorg. Chem. 2010, in press.
  5. Li, S. P.-Y.; Liu, H.-W.; Zhang, K. Y.; Lo, K. K.-W. Chem. Eur. J. 2010, in press.

Chi-Kung Kenny Ni
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Molecular mechansim on the photostability of amino acid chromophores

Aromatic amino acids like tryptophan and tyrosine have very large UV absorption cross-sections and low fluorescence quantum yields. It indicates the existence of fast nonradiative processes, which efficiently quench the fluorescence. The nonradiative process was assumed to be the ultrafast internal conversion. This so-called photostability prevents the undesired photochemical reactions of these molecules upon the irradiation of UV photons. Recent theoretical calculations suggest that the low fluorescence quantum yields for indole and phenol, the chromophore for the amino acid tryptophan and tyrosine, are due to the dissociative characteristic of the excited electronic state potential energy surfaces, rather than the fast internal conversion to the ground electronic state. Because dissociation from an excited state having a repulsive potential energy surface is swift, quenching is incomplete even in the condensed phase. As a result, dissociation from the repulsive state and the reactions following the generation of radicals from dissociation become a potential problem in the photostability of amino acids. We investigated the photodissociation properties of various amino acid chromophores in a molecular beams using multimass ion imaging techniques. We confirmed the dissociation from the repulsive state for small amino acid chromophores. However, we demonstrated that internal conversion becomes the dominant channel for large chromophores. In addition, intramolecular hydrogen bonding was found to play an important role to quench the dissociation from the repulsive state. These observations provide an alternative explanation on the photostability of amino acid chromophores.


Kyung Byung Yoon from Sogang University, Korea
Photovoltaic Effects of Zeolite-Encapsulated CdS and PbS Quantum Dots

Hyun Sung Kim, Nak Cheon Jeong, and Kyung Byung Yoon`
Korea Center for Artificial Synthesis, Department of Chemistry, Sogang University, Seoul 121-742, Korea
The CdS and PbS quantum dot-incorporating zeolite Y films [(CdS)nYf and (PbS)nYf, where, n denotes the loaded amount in %, 4.0. 5.3, 6.8 in the case of CdS and 4.9, 6.9, and 11.0, in the case of PbS] supported on ITO glass, respectively, showed photovoltaic effects in an electrolyte solution composed of Na2S (1 M) and NaOH (0.1 M) with a Pt coated ITO glass plate as the counter electrode and between themselves. Their short circuit currents (isc), open circuit voltages (Voc), fill factors (ff), and overall efficiencies (η) under the AM 1.5, 100 mW cm-2 condition (1 sun) were 0.3 mA cm2, 423 mV, 28, 0.1% in the case of (CdS)nYf/Pt pair and -0.15 mA cm2, -58 mV, 29, 0.01% in the case of (PbS)nYf/Pt pair, and the values significantly increased to 0.98 mA cm2, -478 mV, 30, 0.3% from the (CdS)nYf/(PbS)nYf couple. The maximum IPCE and APCE values observed from (CdS)nYf/Pt were 14.3 and 30%, respectively, at 390 nm while the IPCE value of (CdS)nYf/(PbS)nYf at 390 nm was 40%. The plot of the maximum APCE value with respect to the loaded amount for (CdS)nYf/Pt showed that the APCE value increases in a parabolic manner with respect to the loaded amount and the extrapolation of the relationship predicted that the APCE value can increase to the value higher than one at the loading level of 10%, indicating that generation of multiple electrons from a single photon could be realized by carefully optimizing the condition.

George Thomas (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research)
Optical Properties of Hybrid Nanomaterials

We have recently initiated a detailed research program on the design of nanoparticle conjugates of organic/inorganic molecules which enable the coupling of the intrinsic functionalities of molecular systems (binding, self-assembly, switching etc.) with the size and shape dependent optoelectronic properties of nanomaterials.1 The presentation will provide examples of modulating the optical properties of nanomaterials by integrating them into higher order assemblies using electrostatic, supramolecular and covalent approaches.2-11 The presentation will also highlight our recent efforts to understand (i) the interfacial properties of these hybrid nanomaterials, (ii) plasmon coupling in hybrid metal nanostructures and (iii) the use of such systems for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS).
Recent studies from our group have shown that the organization of molecules and nanomaterials on surfaces can be fine tuned by introducing proper functional moieties and these aspects will be discussed.12-14 We have recently developed a novel strategy for inducing chirality to metal nanoparticle assembly by growing them on chiral surfaces having reduced elements of symmetry. The surface plasmon coupled circular dichroism observed in these systems originate from the asymmetric organization of metal nanoparticles on surface resulting in bisignated CD signals.15 Mirror image relationship in the CD spectra indicates that the chiral molecules on the D- and L- peptide nanotubes drive the organization of nanoparticles in two different ways and these aspects will be discussed.

1.K. G Thomas, P. V. Kamat, Acc. Chem. Res. 2003, 36, 888.
2.K. G. Thomas, chapter entitled “Surface plasmon resonances in nanostructured materials,” in Nanomaterials chemistry: Novel aspects and new directions, C.N.R. Rao, A. Mueller. A. K. Cheetham (Eds.) Wiley-VCH (2007) pp 185-216.
3.S. T. S. Joseph, B. I. Ipe,  P. Pramod, K. G. Thomas, J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 150.
4.P. K. Sudeep, S. T. S. Joseph, K. G. Thomas, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 6517.
5.P. Pramod, S. T. S. Joseph, K. G. Thomas, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 6712.
6.R. Vinayakan, T. Shanmugapriya, P. V. Nair, P. Ramamurthy, K. G. Thomas, J. Phys. Chem. C  2007, 111, 10146.
7.P. V. Nair, K. G. Thomas, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 111, 2094.
8.B. I. Ipe, K. Yoosaf, K. G. Thomas, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 1907.
9.K. Yoosaf, B. I. Ipe,  C. H. Suresh,  K. G. Thomas, J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 12839.
10.P. Pramod, K. G. Thomas, Adv. Mater.  2008, 20, 4300.
11.C. C. Soumya, P. Pramod, K. G. Thomas, Adv. Mater 2010 (submitted).
12.K. Yoosaf,  P. V. James, A. R. Ramesh, C. H. Suresh, K. G. Thomas, J. Phys. Chem. C. 2007; 111, 14933.
13.K. Yoosaf,  A. R. Ramesh, J. George, C. H. Suresh,  K. G. Thomas, J. Phys. Chem. C. 2009, 113, 11836.
14.A. R. Ramesh, K. G. Thomas, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 3457.
15.J. George, K. G. Thomas,  J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 2502.



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