Call for Abstracts
Venue & Destination

Conference Secretariat:
Conferences and Events Ltd
PO Box 24078, Manners St,
Wellington 6142
[email protected]
Tel: +64 4 384 1511
Fax: +64 4 384 4667

       Call for Abstracts

You are invited to submit abstract for oral papers and poster presentations at the conference.
To submit an abstract please click here

Important Dates
Abstract Deadline:                    ** EXTENDED UNTIL - 30th July 2010 **
Notification of Acceptance:        20 August 2010   
End of Early Registration:          17 September 2010  

General photochemistry and photobiology
Synthetic photochemistry
Coordination photochemistry
Theoretical photochemistry
Supramolecular photochemistry
Biophysical photochemistry
Photodynamic therapy
Chemistry and physics in intense laser fields
Ultrafast photochemistry and photophysics, photobiology
Femtochemistry and femtosecond spectroscopy
Single molecule spectroscopy
Time-resolved X-ray analysis
Environmental photochemistry
Singlet oxygen photochemistry
Solar Energy Conversion
Solar UV radiometry and Skin Cancer

Submission of Abstracts
The abstracts should be limited to 400 words. The abstract including the title, authors and main body text with possible graphics should not exceed one A4 page.  The abstract should outline the aims and content of the presentation.  All abstracts are to be submitted electronically via the abstract link on this page

Re-Accessing your Abstract Submission
When you submit your abstract you will be given an access key.  If you wish to submit a new abstract or replace an existing abstract you can do this through the abstract link prior to the closing date of 30 July 2010.

Presentation Formats
Both oral presentations and poster presentations will be allocated.  Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference.  Each poster will be allocated a 1 metre wide x 2 meters high board and the poster must fit within this area (an A0 size poster will fit as long as it is portrait). The boards are covered in a front runner material which is suitable for Velcro (supplied by the organisers).

Abstract Review
Abstracts for both Oral and Poster presentation will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.  Notification of acceptance will be emailed on the 20 August 2010.

The presenting author of the paper must register and pay for the conference by the early registration deadline (17 September 2010) otherwise the paper will be withdrawn from the programme.

Withdrawing an abstract
If you want to withdraw an abstract please contact the Conference Secretariat [email protected]


Bronze Sponsors