Call for Abstracts is now closed
Climate change has complex and deeply rooted issues that require a multi-faceted response from activists to artists, from policy-makers to politicians, as well as scientists.
Conference attendees will be invited to consider unfolding trends of climate change and the major drivers of these patterns and trends, looking at economic, social and underlying systemic drivers.
Thursday 21 September 2017 Abstract submission closes
Tuesday 24 October 2017 Presenters notified of acceptance
Friday 22 December 2017 Presenters registration closes
Symposia will be organised on the following themes:
1. Physical climate changes: atmosphere and ocean, including sea level rise
2. Adaptation to climate change
3. Mitigation of climate change
4. Activism and grassroots responses
5. Law: policy and political responses
6. The economics of climate change
7. Social sciences and art: artistic responses to climate change
8. Climate change and security issues, including migration
9. Climate change and the media
Abstract format
The abstract should be no longer than 200 words and should outline the aims and content of the presentation. Please include a title and a full list of authors and affiliations. All abstracts are to be submitted electronically via the abstract link.
Presentation formats
Oral presentations will be allocated 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for questions and discussion.
Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference. Each poster will be allocated a 1 metre wide x 2 metres high board and the poster must fit within this area. The boards are covered in a front runner material which, are suitable for Velcro (supplied by the organisers). Poster Presenters will have the opportunity to discuss their research and answer questions during the Poster Presentation Reception on Thursday 22nd February.
Panel discussion presentations will be allocated 5 minutes, to set the scene for an open discussion with the audience on the topic of choice.
You will have the opportunity to select your preferred format during the online abstract submission process.
Abstract review
Submitted abstracts will be reviewed during September 2017 by the Programme Committee. Depending on the number of submissions, some requests for oral presentations may be assigned as posters. If your submission is not accepted for an oral presentation it is not a reflection of the quality of your submission but rather due to time constraints and the need to ensure all aspects of the conference topics are adequately covered. The organisers reserve the right to reject submitted abstracts that are poorly written, do not follow the submission guidelines or are outside the scope of the conference.
Audiovisual equipment
Each room at the conference will have a minimum of the following:
- Dataprojector
- Laptop
- Screen
Presenters should bring their presentation to the conference on a memory stick. A technician will be on site to load your presentation. You will be emailed 2-3 weeks prior to the conference by the organisers who will ask for you to email your presentation if you have it ready.
Presenters' registration
All presenters, other than those specifically sponsored or exempt from paying the registration fee by the Conference Committee, are required to register and pay for the conference. Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs. Presenters need to register by the early registration deadline on Friday 22 December 2017 or they risk having their paper being removed from the programme.
Re-accessing your abstract submission
When you submit your abstract you will be given an access key. If you wish to submit a new abstract or replace an existing abstract you can do this through the abstract link prior to the closing date on Thursday 21 September.