Auckland & New Zealand
Destination Auckland
Auckland is New Zealand's biggest city. Wherever you stay in Auckland, you're never far from
breathtaking scenery, beautiful beaches, invigorating walks, idyllic holiday islands, outstanding
food and wine, great shopping and exciting nightlife.
Auckland's waterside location has fostered the locals' love affair with the sea, earning this place the
nickname "City of Sails".
It sprawls over a narrow isthmus between the sparkling waters of the Waitemata and Manukau
Harbours. A cloak of rainforest covers the surrounding hills, dozens of dormant volcanic cones dot
the landscape and enchanting holiday islands are scattered throughout the vast Hauraki Gulf. Two
of the best island getaways are Waiheke Island and Great Barrier Island
Auckland's heart beats to a Polynesian rhythm, its people a melting pot of European, South Pacific
and Asian cultures and a strong indigenous Maori heritage. This diversity brings with it an
abundance of unique dining and shopping experiences.
A temperate climate, easy access to the coast and variety of activities earn the city consistent top
five rankings in international lifestyle surveys.
For more information on Auckland and all it has to offer please click here.
About New Zealand:
If you are planning to spend some time travelling in New Zealand before or after the conference
you may like to check out the New Zealand tourism websites below.
The Automobile Association of New Zealand offers a comprehensive guide to travel within New
Zealand including accommodation.
New Zealand Tourism Online offers over 12,000 NZ accommodation, attraction, tour and transport
listings plus extensive travel, vacation, holiday and visitor information.
Sights, activities, accommodation and a useful online travel planner.
A travel guide and itinerary planner.