Hotel Pullman Auckland Corner Princes St, and Waterloo QuadrantWELCOME Welcome to the New Zealand Resuscitation Council Conference 2012: "Pushing the Limits". This year’s conference will be held at the Pullman Hotel, Auckland.The NZRC conference has been steadily growing in size and quality over the years and I am confident that the program this year will raise the bar again. 2011 saw intense work on the science of resuscitation and technical guidelines revision following the release of the Consensus on Science and Treatment Recommendations by ILCOR. It is highy appropriate that the conference this year is taking a focus on the human side of resuscitation, as we work on implementation of the new guidelines. We have two highly respected international guest speakers: Mary Fran Hazinski will be sharing her expertise in adult education and guideline implementation, while Pat Croskerry will be providing insight into decision making and cognitive error in crisis situations. We also have excellent speakers from both Australia and New Zealand and plenty of opportunity to discuss resuscitation with representatives from both the New Zealand and Australian Resuscitation Councils.We are grateful for the generous support we receive from the medical technology industry which allows us to deliver one of the more affordable health professional conferences on the calendar. This support is provided without any expectations regarding the scientific program which is developed entirely independantly. There will no doubt be much new technology of interest available to conference delegates to view during breaks in the program.Richard AickinConference Convenor