Occupational Medicine Research CME  Day
  Topic: Quality and Accreditation
  22 - 23 April 2008  Emirates Aviation College, Dubai




Research Colloquium Program        Download the program for the 22nd here

22nd April 2008
10.00 am
Keynote Speaker  - Professor Tar-Ching Aw UAE University
Opening remarks: The Need for Occupational Medicine research in the Middle east
10.30 am
Dr Rob Griffiths  - University of Otago, Wellington
Occupational Health Research - Who benefits and how?
11.00 amCoffee
11.30 am
Dr Michael Haney  - University of Otago, Sweden
The role of Medical Schools in providing research infrastructure.
Panel Discussion
Does the Middle East need an Occupational Health Research Agenda?
12.30 pmLunch
1.30 pm
Keynote Speaker  -  Mr Ali Rashid Al Jarwan  -  General Manager of ADMA-OPCO, Abu Dhabi
Research into Work and Health - Good for Industrialists?
2.00 pm
Professor Nick Kendall  -  University of Otago, London
Building an evidence base for best practice and better outcomes in occupational health.
2.30 pm
Dr Sarah Dean  -  University of Otago, Wellington
Collaboration in research - where are the opportunities?
3.00 pmCoffee
3.30 pm
Breakout workshops
What research does the Middle East need?
4.00 pm
A Process for Agenda Building
4.30 pm
Breakout workshops
Setting a research agenda for the Middle East
5.00 pm
The way ahead - An Occupational Health research Agenda for the Middle east
5.30 pmDrinks and discussion

23rd April          

Download the program for the 23rd here
10.00 am
 Prof Nick Kendall  -  Senior Lecturer in Occupational Psychology, University of Otago, London
Evidence-based Occupational Health Practice
11.15 am Coffee
11.30 am
 Dr Mark Newson-Smith  -  Senior Lecturer in Occupational Medicine, University of Otago, Dubai
Workshop - Case study
12.45 pm
Lessons learnt from Febuary CME Day
1.00 pm Lunch
1.30 pm
 Dr Rebecca Taylor,  -  Dubai
ISO International Standards and Occupational Health Practice
2.45 pm
 Dr Mark Newson-Smith  - Senior Lecturer in Occupational Medicine, University of Otago, Dubai
Auditing Occupational Health
4.00 pm
 Dr Sarah Dean, OUW;
Collaboration in research – where are the opportunities?
3.30 pm Coffee
4.00 pm
Latifa Soobedar, Corporate Wellness, Dubai
Continuous Quality Improvement in Occupational Health
5.15 pm Close