This conference is designed to provide breathing space for you to reflect on your understanding of the Montessori philosophy, to explore what you do, what you believe, what you know and what you say to assist tamariki to prepare for the future we can only but imagine.
The way we develop our competency to foster children’s learning is informed by our guest speakers, reflection and supported by dialogue with other kaiako at conference.
As teachers, parents and whānau we have been given a tremendous task, that of guiding children towards becoming independent and responsible individuals who are able to successfully navigate through a rapidly changing society. We work as partners to instill values such as integrity, honesty, care, and cooperation. These are skills that will help tamariki to face challenges and succeed throughout their lives. This conference will support you on your journey as an educator to support children to develop these essential skills for lifelong learning.
The conference is open to everyone interested in Montessori education; kaiako, parents and whānau. We want you to leave feeling inspired, affirmed, passionately renewed - and with lots of food for thought.
Tēnā rāwā atu koe
Cathy Wilson
MANZ Executive Officer Montessori Aotearoa