Speaker Presentation
Click on the link for speaker presentation
Stream 1 - Industrial Stormwater
- Stormwater system upgrade, design and performance, Chris Moore CLICK HERE
- The character of industrial stormwater pollution, Troy Brockbank
- Industrial Stormwater considerations for Trade Waste Officers, Richard Rollins
Stream 2 - Latest Instrumentation & Technology
- A cost effective solution for flow monitoring at WWTP influent channel, Peter Hulmston CLICK HERE
- New Developments in suspended solids monitoring, Ben Hall
- Applications of optical process control and on-line microbial monitoring, Eike Breitbarth
Stream 3 - Wastewater Treatment
- High Rate anaerobic digestion of high strength dairy waste, Ron Hamilton CLICK HERE
- Use of Aerofloat dissolved air flotation technology to improve trade waste discharges from meat processors, Michael Speer
- Tertiary Treatment for small collectives, Carissa Makea
Stream 4 - Optimisation and Knowledge
- Carbon Neutral Industrial Wastewater Treatment - A Dream or a Target? Dr Alzbeta Bouskova
- Stormwater pollutant monitoring - How to do it and how to interpret it, Troy Brockbank
- Onsite Grease Trap cleanout procedure, Bruce Holland
Stream 5 - Industry developments and Technology
- Axis Drilling Vacuum Loader Microtunneling, Karl Dewstow
- Industry and Technology, Tara Okan
- A River: the view from the top – PNCC’s wastewater BPO process, Grant Smith CLICK HERE