Update or become a member of NZTIWF

NZTIWF is comprised of representatives from all sectors of the industry including scientists, Regional and Territorial Authorities, engineers, suppliers and liquid waste operators. The group is primarily focused on providing real time solutions to issues facing the Industry, developing national standards and working together as an industry to develop sustainable processes that protect infrastructure and the environment.

There are four categories of membership

  • Individual @ $138.00
  • Corporate @ $345.00 up to 3 members; additional members @ $75.00 max 8
  • Associate @ $28.75
  • Student @ $28.75

Prices are in NZ Dollar and are inclusive of GST

Membership brings you a variety of benefits including:

  • Information on upcoming events, publications, policy meetings
  • An annual conference with sessions exclusively for Trade Waste Officers and Liquid Waste Operators, and national water related initiatives.
  • A strong focused group to lobby on your behalf; working to develop common standards, procedures, and mitigation strategies for water and waste issues.
  • Access to a government lobby group that is working hard to create common trade waste standards, procedures, and agreed mitigation strategies within regional organisations
  • Take part in the AGM of the NZTIWF, to have a voice in national policy and influence issues important to you and your organisation.
  • Discounted conference registration fees.
  • Access to a library of publications and conference papers.
  • Development of best practice guidelines, regulations, and accreditation systems
  • Publicise your organisations' support for the NZTIWF and its innovations and activities.
  • Network through the NZTIWF group discussion forum on LinkedIn โ€“ ask questions and receive feedback from over 300 industry professionals inย five countries.