Doctoral Colloquium - Sunday 4th November 2018
9am – 5pm
Executive Seminar Suite, Massey University Wellington Campus
In the ISCRAM tradition, the Doctoral Colloquium will take place prior to the main conference on Sunday, 4th November 2018. The colloquium is for doctoral students seeking careers as researchers in public, private and academic organizations with research interests in crisis management.
The goals of the ISCRAM ASIA PACIFIC 2018 Ph.D. Colloquium are three-fold:
- To develop and sustain a network of young scholars conducting high quality research in the area of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management.
- To support the next generation of crisis management researchers by addressing issues relevant to the progression of a research career.
- To allow participants to discuss their research with leading specialists, scholars and peers in an international setting.
Up to fifteen students will be accepted for the colloquium. Numbers are kept purposely small in order to focus on quality interaction and discussion. The idea is to start building a community of PhD scholars before the students arrive and so there will be a possibility to exchange information on research areas before Sunday 4th November. The morning session will start with an ice-breaking exercise and focus on networking. The day will include a session on ‘my thesis in 180 seconds’. Students will be coupled with mentors, i.e. senior researchers, in order to give students’ personalised feedback and advice on their methodology, work, validation, etc. Before the event accepted students will be given the opportunity to pose questions for general discussion during the colloquium. Discussion sessions will include important issues such as publication opportunities and ‘life after a PhD’. A specialised tutorial on qualitative or quantitative research methods will also be included in the day. The final session will be a colloquium poster session, providing students the opportunity to learn about one another’s research and prepare for the conference-wide poster session in which they will also participate.
Note that students who submit papers to the ISCRAM conference itself (and who are named as first author) will be eligible for the Award for best PhD Student paper. Attendance at the PhD Colloquium is not a pre-requisite for eligibility for this award.
As the aim of the colloquium is to assist candidates with their thesis research, only doctoral students who have not yet defended their thesis are eligible to apply.
The cost to attend is free, however participants must register to attend the full ISCRAM Asia Pacific 2018 conference to be able to sign up to the Doctoral Colloquium. There is a discounted student fee for the conference.
The tutorial on qualitative or quantitative research methods may also be attended by non-PhD students who are registered for the conference for no extra charge.
How to Apply
To apply, candidates should email a single zip file by 1 August 2018 to [email protected].
The file should contain the following:
- A short CV, no more than two pages
- A description of the research project: its context, aims and research question(s), the research method, and any results obtained to date (2-5 pages in length including figures, tables, and references). There is no need to format this according to the ISCRAM format.
- A personal statement of no more than one page identifying up to three specific aspects of the research (theory, method, data analysis, technical design, etc.) in which the student is seeking assistance.
- A digital photo. This will be used for the photo roster if the application is successful.
Please also see the Call for Submissions page which provides details on how to submit a paper or poster presentation for the ISCRAM Asia Pacific 2018 Conference -

Colloquium Leaders
The day will be led by:
Dr Julie Dugdale - view bio here
Former President of the ISCRAM Association and Associate Professor at Grenoble University, France
Prof. Roxanne Hiltz - view bio here
Distinguished Professor, Emerita, at the Department of Information Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, and a leading member of the ISCRAM Educational Committee.
Dr Tung Bui - view bio here
University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business, Honolulu
For any questions on the Doctoral Colloquium, contact us via [email protected].