ISCRAM Asia Pacific 2018, Innovating for Resilience

Click on the Track Titles on the left for full details of the Track.

ISCRAM achieves its goals through conferences, research, education programs, and standards activities, and we are delighted to offer a range of tracks for this conference, that cluster around the conference theme of Innovating for Resilience.  Tracks will cover all of the major topics in information systems for crisis response and management, ranging from the technical to the social and including data, applications, social media and alerting and monitoring systems.  We are interested in a range of applications within the disaster field, including all stages of the disaster lifecycle, risk and healthcare within natural and socio-economic environments.

The conference will showcase contributions from academics, practitioners and industry, and we invite a range of types of submission to cover different projects and purposes, including posters, workshops and both work in progress and completed papers describing both research and practitioner experience.  Papers covering a range of lengths are also invited, as per the submission details outlined here.  The programme will also include panel discussions in specific areas, and a PhD colloquium for doctoral students.

In short, there will be something for everyone, so please consider submitting, and we would love to see you at ISCRAM Asia Pacific in 2018!

Yours faithfully,

Dr Kristin Stock and Professor Deborah Bunker
ISCRAM Asia Pacific 2018 Programme Co-Chairs.