Call for Workshops
Workshop submissions have now closed
We view 1-2 days workshops as an integral part of any conference and these will be designed to benefit the experienced geologist as well as providing student training. Whether workshops are to be offered during the main part of the conference or as alternatives for those who do not wish to go on field trips has yet to be decided. Potential workshops include:
- Machine Learning and AI in sedimentology,
- Borehole image and wireline log interpretation and integration using Zealandia examples,
- Core Workshops. These will either be held at the Ministry of Business Innovation and Enterprise (MBIE) Core store (Featherston, North Island) or the core will be sent to the conference venue location:
a. Fluvial-deltaic to shallow marine,
b. Turbidites,
c. Non-tropical carbonates,
d. Ichnofabrics,
e. Pleistocene to modern lacustrine sediments. - Volcano-sedimentology - From volcaniclastic sedimentation to volcanic geology. Highlighting geological mapping in volcanic terrains and the unique aspects of volcano- sedimentary stratigraphy.

How to Submit
We are now inviting proposals to facilitate workshops associated with the conference. We are open to accommodating full day or multi-day workshops held pre- or post-conference, and shorter (1-3 hour or up to full day) workshops held during the conference (e.g. during regular sessions or evenings, or in leiu of mid-conference fieldtrips).
If you are interested in facilitating a workshop, please get in touch with the Local Organising Committee to discuss how this might be accommodated. Email [email protected] and please provide an indication of:
- Topic of workshop
- Duration and timing
- Venue requirements (e.g. computer lab or lecture room)
- Target audience and max number of participants
- Facilitator cost imposed on participants (if any)
Workshop proposals need to be received before 22 November 2024.
During the course of the conference we would like to engage with the general public as much as possible. We have not yet decided precisely how we will do this yet but there are various options:
- Public lectures – both during the main part of the conference but also possibly by select individuals (probably NZ participants) on field trips.
- Providing displays and/or learning experiences for school age students.
- Advertising via TNZ, particularly in the regions where field trips will be held.
- Social events, and other forms of engagement with local communities. A good example of the latter will be the Māori adaptation field trip.