Kia Ora Welcome!

On behalf of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS), the local organising committee warmly invites you to join us for the 22nd International Sedimentological Congress (ISC) to be held in New Zealand in 2026.

The conference theme is “Sedimentation on active plate margins through time and space”. A broad suite of symposia sub-themes is being developed covering modern to ancient sedimentary systems. These include:

  • Tectonic geomorphology and sedimentation
  • Volcano-sedimentary processes and deposits
  • Carbonate deposition and diagenesis
  • Seismic and volcanic influences on lacustrine sedimentation
  • Seismicity and the relationship to submarine landslides/turbidites/mass transport deposits (MTDs) – modern and ancient
  • Interaction of tectonic and eustatic processes in the sedimentary record
  • Glacio-fluvial sedimentation
  • Māori and Pasifica (Polynesian cultures of the SW Pacific) view of sediments and sedimentary process.

Field trips

Multi-day field trips will be offered before and after the conference that will show case the world-class sedimentary systems that characterise New Zealand. Single day mid-conference field trips will highlight sedimentary deposits in and around the Wellington region. A selection of sedimentological workshops is being planned that can occur either pre-, mid- or post-conference.


High profile plenary speakers will be invited for each of the sub-themes. Graduate and post-graduate students, as well as early career researchers will be actively encouraged to participate and contribute.

They will have key roles in the scientific programme, with highlighted contributions for each sub-theme, along with other initiatives. A full social programme for non-participating partners of attendees is to be planned.

See you in Wellington, New Zealand!

Sea Cave, Taranaki coast, North Island, New Zealand
Sea Cave, Taranaki coast, North Island, New Zealand
Fluvial conglomerate, Cape Palliser, North Island, New Zealand
Fluvial conglomerate, Cape Palliser, North Island, New Zealand

Local Organising Committee

(Sedimentology Special Interest Group, Geoscience Society of New Zealand)

  • Cliff Atkins (Victoria University, Wellington)
  • Kari Bassett (University of Canterbury, Christchurch)
  • Catherine Chagué (University of New South Wales & ‘Emeritus’ scientist at NIWA, Christchurch)
  • Warren Dickinson (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington)
  • Greer Gilmer (GNS Science, Te Pū Ao)
  • Szabolcs Kósik (Horizons Regional Council)
  • Andrew La Croix (University of Waikato, Hamilton)
  • Mark Lawrence (GNS Science, Lower Hutt)
  • Karoly Nemeth (Massey University, Palmerston North; Senior Researcher at the Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science, Sopron, Hungary; Research Scientist at the Saudi Geological Survey, Jedda, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
  • Scott Nodder (NIWA, Wellington)
  • Matthew Ryan (Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand)
  • Lorna Strachan (University of Auckland, Auckland)