Non-tropical carbonate deposition and diagenesis
Marine Carbonate-Siliciclastic sedimentary systems
Professor Helen Bostock1, A/Prof Gavin Dunbar2, Dr Luke Nothdurft3, Dr Matt Jeromson4
1University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia, 2Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand, 3Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 4University of Canberra, Australia
Many continental margins are composed of variable mixtures of carbonate and siliciclastic sediment. These systems are proposed to respond to glacial-interglacial scale sea level change which has lead to the traditional "reciprocal" model with siliciclastic sediments dominating during sea level lowstands and carbonate dominating during transgressions and highstands.
However, there are numerous examples of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems that don’t follow the reciprocal model and a range of alternate models have now been proposed. This session welcomes talks from researchers working on mixed carbonate-siliciclastic marine systems on active and passive margins, from the tropics to the Subantarctic. We are especially interested in studies that look at the broader range of drivers (e.g. productivity changes, bathymetry, tectonics) and sediment transport processes (e.g. pelagic, turbidites, currents, bathymetric variability) that influence the carbonate-siliciclastic sedimentary systems. Furthermore what are the potential uses and issues for understanding paleo-environmental and paleoceanographic changes through time.