Call for Abstracts
Key Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 16 May 2025
- Authors Notified of Acceptance: 15 August 2025
- Early Bird & Presenter Registration Deadline: 19 September 2025
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Before submitting your abstract, please note:
- The presenting author must make the submission.
- There is a fee of $60 NZD per submission, with limits on submissions as per below.
- If your abstract is accepted, a total of $60 NZD will be deducted from your conference registration fee. If you have more than 1 submission accepted, you will only be entitled to a total discount of $60 NZD. No refunds will be given if your abstract submission is declined or if your abstract is withdrawn after the submission deadline date.
- All presenting authors must register for the conference.
- All abstracts must be written in English.
- Text length is a maximum of 300 words.
- Please CLICK HERE to read the full details of each session. Please carefully consider the one that best aligns to the content of your abstract.
- Please ensure you submit your abstract by 16 May 2025.
Abstract Submission Limits
- A maximum of two abstracts are permitted per individual presenter.
- The presenter does not necessarily need to be first author, but it must be the person who registers/submits the abstract online.
- The 'oral-preferred' option can only be selected for one of the abstracts
- The 'poster only' option can be selected for one or two abstracts
Invited Session Presenters
A session chair may invite a delegate to present an oral or a poster in their session. In this case:
- The invited presenter is still restricted to two abstracts (as above), but
- The ‘Invited Presentation’ option may be selected for one abstract, and ‘oral preferred’ or ‘poster only’ can be selected for the second abstract
Disclaimer: If a session is cancelled then invited presenters will no longer retain this status, however their presentation may be moved to another session as either an oral or poster at the discretion of the session chair. If a session is merged with another, then it is at the discretion of the subsequent session chairs whether they retain 'invited' status and whether their presentation is an oral or a poster
IMPORTANT: Once completed, you will receive a confirmation email of your abstract submission. If you do not receive this confirmation email, we have NOT received your submission. Please remember to check spam/junk folders.
PAYMENT: Please have your Visa/Mastercard ready to make payment.
Presenters Registration
All presenters are required to register and pay for the conference. Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs. Presenters need to register and pay by 19 September 2025 otherwise their presentation risks being removed from the programme.