The Incredible Years Conference for Parent Management Training The Werry Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health workforce development programme is pleased to convene the first conference for Incredible Years parent management training in New Zealand. We are delighted that our keynote speaker will be Carolyn Webster-Stratton, the USA based developer of the Incredible Years series. The conference will be of significant interest to Incredible Years Parent group leaders who will have opportunities to participate in workshops designed to increase their group delivery skills and hear of the enhancements for delivery to Maori parent groups. Accredited Group Leaders in the Parent programme will have an opportunity to have a session with Carolyn Webster-Stratton to share their experiences. This conference will also be invaluable to managers and researchers wanting to hear first hand information on the research into this evidence based parenting programme both internationally and locally. Managers will hear the value of implementing Incredible Years programmes as key parenting interventions in their agencies. The conference will include keynotes, invited speakers and workshop sessions which will appeal to all those interested in hearing the latest developments in the Incredible Years parent programme. The Werry Centre is pleased to acknowledge the support of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health for the conference Conference secretariat: Conferences & Events Ltd PO Box 24 078 Manners Street Wellington 6142 Phone: +64 4 384 1511 | Email:  The Incredible Years Conference for Parent Management Training