Pre-Conference Workshop

Please click here to register for the Asset Management Workshop


Prior to the EEA Conference being held from midday, 22 June to 24 June the EEA will be holding a pre-conference workshop on Asset Management.

Asset Management Forum, 21-22 June

The Asset Management Forum addresses and develops this key aspect of the electricity business. It brings together the technical knowledge and experience of New Zealand professionals and visiting Keynotes, with the development work the EEA’s Asset Management Group has been progressing through the year. This is an opportunity to receive information on current trends and practices, while also building networks with colleagues working in asset management.

** Please note that registration for the Asset Management Forum is separate from registration for the EEA Conference.


    • Industry consultation on:
    • Asset Management Group 2016 work stream
    • Strategic Engagement of Utilities in Life Line Groups
    • Common Network Asset Indices Methodology, Applications in the UK and NZ
    • Asset Lifecycle replacement strategies
    • Industry spot topics

and a half day session introducing the ‘EEA Guideline for the Connection of Small-Scale Inverter Based Distributed Generation’ [to be released shortly].

The workshop is highly recommended for any professional involved in asset management in their own organisations, or assessments for others.


    • Eric Brown—Head of Strategy and Innovation – Energy Systems Catapult UK
    • Jonathan Sykes—Senior Manager of System Protection at Pacific Gas and Electric Company, California, USA
    • Stuart Johnston—ENA Australia
    • Phil Southwell—Director on the Board of CIGRE Australia