Pre conference workshop, course and forum

QUT Power System Fault Calculations – 16 to 18 June 2014
Short circuit currents flow when a fault occurs in a power system. The magnitude of these currents can be of the order of tens of thousand of amperes, and consequently the magnitude of the fault current must be accurately calculated in order that mechanical and thermal stresses on equipment may be estimated.

Course Objectives:
On the completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Use per unit quantities for fault analysis
  • Demonstrate how sequence voltages, currents and impedances are used
  • Determine the correct positive, negative and zero sequence models in per unit quantities
  • Calculate fault currents at any point in an electrical network for:
    • Phase to Phase Faults
    • 3 Phase Faults
    • Phase to Ground Faults
  • Calculate the network contribution of fault and sequence currents
  • Determine phase currents from sequence currents with or without transformer vector shifts involved
  • Determine the impact of effective earthing and current decay on fault currents

Asset Management Workshop – 17 & 18 June 2014
The EEA Asset Management Group (AMG) annual Asset Management forum will be held at SkyCity Convention Centre on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 June (1/2 day) – just prior to the 2014 EEA Conference and Trade Exhibition.

This AMG Workshop is an opportunity to;
• meet informally with a number of the EEA Conference keynote speakers with expertise in asset management;
• update your asset management staff on key industry projects being undertaken by the AMG; and
• seek engagement and feedback on a number of AMG projects.
• identify any new industry issues for consideration by the AMG.

Process Safety Forum – 17 & 18 June 2014
In conjunction with the 2014 EEA Conference the EEA is holding a 1 & 1/2 day Process Safety Workshop. There is strong interest in the role that process safety should have in the electricity supply industry generation, network and retail activities. High hazard process industries which can include the ESI, balance process safety and occupational safety to optimise and improve safety performance within their businesses. There are applications for all our sectors particularly equipment and structure failure – so this workshop is an opportunity to improve our understanding of process safety and how it may help in managing these risks.

The keynote presenters for this workshop are leaders in process safety issues and include presenters from Scottish Power in the UK who are developing and implementing process safety in the UK power industry. Speakers include – Nicholas Diamond, Safety Solutions; Doug Wilson, Scottish Power; Martin Sedgwick, Scottish Power and Alec Harley, Locheed Martin UK

For further information and to register for any of the above Courses or Workshops, please click here.
Any questions can be forwarded to the EEA on phone 04 473 8600 or email [email protected].