Call for Papers


The call for papers is now closed.   We have received a record number of submissions.  Thank you to everyone who has submitted an abstract. 


Important dates

Fri 28 February 2014Paper proposals due (including abstract, bio note and photo)
Wed 12 March 2014Presenters notified of acceptance
Wed 23 April 2014Full paper due



The 2014 Conference will be attended by over 1000 delegates and visitors and is the premier engineering/technical event for the New Zealand electricity supply industry.

Our theme is ‘Invest for Tomorrow – People, Process & Plant’ and it captures the key challenges of tomorrow –  ensuring our current assets and aging plant continue to provide efficient, secure and safe power supply to our end users;  identifying and implementing innovative ideas and  technology,  new processes, markets and process improvement which will make our industry safer, more efficient and responsive to customer needs; and developing new talent to meet future challenges in our industry.

The Conference programme will be a mix of international & national keynote speakers, technical papers, panel sessions, the trade exhibition and networking/social events involving delegates, visitors and trade exhibitor companies and their staff.


We would welcome a broad range of papers from across engineering, technical, safety and strategic management issues in the electricity supply sector – generation, distribution and transmission networks, contracting, consulting, equipment suppliers, government and end use customers. A range of possible paper topics are suggested on the page below.

The writing and presentation of technical papers is an opportunity to profile and share information on sound engineering knowledge, practice, processes or technology; or an organisation’s or individual’s technical work.

It is also an opportunity for a company or individual to get recognition as an engineering leader, advisor, thinker and communicator playing a role in shaping New Zealand’s power engineering future.

For all our engineering/technical staff it is an important part of their professional development and training and provides the very best of opportunities to share our experience and innovative thinking among a community of enthusiastic and knowledgeable engineers working across all sectors of the industry.

At a strategic level, it provides an opportunity to give perspectives on energy challenges and issues; to profile and recognise engineering excellence; and to report on recent research, technological developments and industry projects.


The EEA has a strong commitment to the future development of our industry engineering students and to integrate student learning with the Conference experience, university and polytech students are encouraged to submit paper proposals.  Student papers keep industry informed on current research projects and provide students with the opportunity to meet, network and foster relationships with engineers and employers in the electricity supply industry.  There is also a chance to learn more about engineering and new technologies through the Trade Exhibition.


The Best Paper Awards are judged by your peers and are awarded to papers of outstanding quality. In 2013 there were over 80 papers judged, so for those receiving recognition as an EEA Conference Best Paper is a much coveted Award.

The Best Paper Awards categories include Best Paper (Member), Best Paper (Non Member), Best Paper (Student) and the IET Award for Best Paper Presentation.  The Awards prizes vary – but include cash, complimentary memberships, plaques and travel.


Paper proposals are invited from all sectors of the industry.

The following are some paper “topic areas” for you to consider. (Note: Topics below are NOT in any priority order). Papers on operational topics and industry projects would be most welcome

Management of Existing Assets (Generation, Network, Retail)

  • Asset management models
  • Data systems for asset management
  • Asset work planning and management
  • Plant Failure and outage management
  • Asset condition assessment and health indicators
  • Earthing, protection, poles, switchgear, transformers and substations
  • Contracting models
  • Design, build, commission projects
  • Impact of distributed and renewable generation
  • Power quality, security of supply
  • Fibre rollout
  • Trees

Strategic Issues

  • Management of existing asset
  • Small scale embedded generation
  • Safety
  • Intelligent Electricity Grids
  • Grid forecasting and planning
  • Demand side management
  • Electricity Market
  • Enabling Intelligent Grids
  • Technologies & Architecture
  • Integrating and modelling Renewables – PV, Wind
  • Storage technologies and impacts
  • Micro Grids
  • Virtual Power Plants
  • Power quality and non-linear loads
  • System Stability
  • Electric vehicles infrastructure
  • Network planning strategies
  • Network automation/power electronics
  • Time of use pricing/smart meters
  • Local area networks
  • Standardisation of technology
  • System Modelling
  • Advanced diagnostics
  • Data gathering, analysis and management
  • Customer/asset data interface and management
  • Smart appliances, equipment, buildings and customers
  • Wide-area monitoring, control and protection
  • Impact of standardisation
  • Management of ageing infrastructure
  • Asset replacement strategies
  • Impacts of Environmental policies –  RMA reform/ District Plans
  • National Policy Statements/National Environmental Standards
  • Emissions Trading Scheme

Intelligent Electricity Systems (Smart Grids)

  • Technologies & Architecture
  • Integrating and modelling Renewables – PV, Wind
  • Storage technologies and impacts
  • Micro Grids
  • Virtual Power Plants
  • Power quality and non-linear loads
  • System Stability
  • Electric vehicles infrastructure
  • Network planning strategies
  • Network automation/power electronics
  • Time of use pricing/smart meters
  • Local area networks
  • Standardisation of technology

Information and Communication Management for Power Systems

  • System Modelling
  • Advanced diagnostics
  • Data gathering, analysis and management
  • Customer/asset data interface and management
  • Smart appliances, equipment, buildings and customers
  • Wide-area monitoring, control and protection
  • Impact of standardisation

Safety Performance

  • Health and Safety in the Workplace Legislation
  • Process, people and plant safety
  • Safety by design
  • Changing Safety Culture
  • SMEI and guides
  • Arc Flash Management
  • Equipotential Zone Management
  • Public Safety
  • Electricity (Safety) Regulations
  • UFB roll out

Skill, Training and Development

  • Growing Industry Skills
  • Training and retention
  • Competency, Skills, Qualifications
  • Work force needs and approaches
  • Developing Engineering Capability


  • Infrastructure planning
  • Refurbishment/upgrades
  • Maintenance issues/strategies/engineering challenges
  • Distributed and renewable options and impacts
  • Interconnection with networks
  • Design, build, commission projects

Customer Interface

  • Displacing electricity demand
  • Metering and smart appliances
  • Data management
  • Demand side customer engagement

Infrastructure Resilience & Emergency Response

  • Resilience by design
  • Risk management,
  • Post event engineering response
  • Emergency response/management

This is not an exhaustive list so if you would like to discuss other possible topics please feel free to contact us on [email protected].


Previous events have been attended by industry CEOs and senior managers; engineering and asset management staff; technical, safety and business development managers; system analysts and planners; field staff and supervisors; engineering students and academics from NZ universities; Government officials; consultants and contracting staff; standards writers and other industry stakeholders.


The call for papers is now closed.

The Paper Proposal general terms and conditions are:

  • All paper proposals must meet the format requirements specified by the EEA.
  • The EEA reserves the right to refuse material that does not meet requirements or is deemed inappropriate in either content or size.
  • Required documents must be submitted on-line.  Abstracts, bio notes, portrait photos and papers will not be accepted in hard copy format or by fax.

Submission of a proposal will be regarded as acceptance of these conditions.

Details of the required format for Final Papers will be sent to presenters with notification of paper acceptance.

Paper acceptances will be advised by Wednesday 12 March 2014 and final Papers are due Wednesday, 23 April 2014

No guarantee can be given for the inclusion of material supplied after the dates specified below.  Due to printing deadlines, the following dates are not negotiable and no extensions will be permitted.


We would appreciate your feedback on Conference Panel Session topics. Please send suggested topic to [email protected]



Fri 28 February 2014Paper proposals due (including abstract, bio note and photo)
Wed 12 March 2014Presenters notified of acceptance
Wed 23 April 2014Full paper due