

The EEA have revised the process of submitting entries to the following awards, we encourage companies and individuals within the Electricity Supply Industry to submit your entries in any of the following categories.  This is your opportunity to celebrate your initiatives and gain exposure for your achievements.

Workplace Safety Award

The EEA Workplace Safety Award recognises excellence in health and safety in the electricity supply industry, including significant industry achievement or contribution to workplace safety by an organisation or individual. The Award recognizes initiatives to:

  • Promote safety excellence in the electricity supply industry workplace.
  • Raise awareness and ownership of health and safety issues and practices in the work place.
  • Reduce accidents in the electricity supply industry.
  • Encourage staff to think constructively about safety practices and procedures.
  • Publicise ideas, procedures and training which provide for a higher standard of safety in our industry; and encourage debate on safe working procedures within industry and each company.

Entries may cover:

  • The development of new or improved types of safety equipment.
  • The introduction of new or improved safety methods, practices or procedures.
  • New ways of encouraging a positive approach to working safely.
  • Any other new aspect or suggestion which conforms to the Objectives set out above.

Public Safety Award

The EEA Public Safety Award recognises excellence in fostering public awareness and education about electricity safety and safety around electricity supply assets.  The Award is jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) and the EEA.  The Award recognises initiatives to:

  • Excellence in electrical safety of the public.
  • Raise awareness of electrical safety issues in the local community.
  • Reduce accidents to the public which involve electricity supply industry assets.
  • Improve public understanding or awareness of electrical safety issues around electricity supply industry assets.
  • Encourage industry and the public to think about and participate in electrical safety initiatives.
  •  Publicise ideas, procedures and programmes which deliver a high standard of public awareness of electrical safety.

Entries may cover:

  • The development of new or improved types of public safety promotion or information.
  • The introduction of new or improved safety education methods, practices or procedures.
  • New ways of encouraging a positive approach to electrical safety.
  • Any other new aspect or suggestion which conforms to the Objectives set out above.

Engineering Excellence Awards

The EEA Engineering Excellence Awards recognises recent activities or projects associated with the development of new infrastructure or the improvement of existing infrastructure for the generation, transmission, distribution or utilisation of electricity within the New Zealand Electricity Supply Industry.   There are TWO categories for these Awards:

  • Category 1: Under $3 million in capital expenditure;
  • Category 2: Over $3 million in capital expenditure.

Professional Development

The EEA Professional Development Award supports the attendance of an EEA Member or staff member of a Corporate Member at an overseas course, conference or other professional development opportunity.

Award Prize

The Award is a contribution of up to $NZD5,000 toward travel and accommodation expenses.

To make the 2013 Awards a success, we urge you to participate in these important Industry Awards.

For further details and entry forms for each Award and details on the Conference Awards, please click here.

Please contact the EEA Office with any queries on either 04 473 8600 or email [email protected].