Call for Abstracts Call for PapersThe Call for Papers has now CLOSED.The abstract should be no longer than 250 words, and should outline the aims and content of the presentation. All abstracts are to be submitted electronically via the abstract link on this page.You will be asked to indicate your preferred presentation format. Presentation FormatsOral presentations will be allocated 20 minutes in total, made up of 15 minutes presentation with 5 minutes for discussion.Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference. Each poster will be allocated a 1 metre wide x 2 meters high board and the poster must fit within this area. The boards are covered in a front runner material which are suitable for Velcro (supplied by the organisers).The poster session will take place on Monday 3rd December from 5pm – 7pm.Abstract ReviewAbstracts for both Oral and Poster presentation will be reviewed by the International Steering Committee. Notification of acceptance will be emailed by 31st August 2012.Audiovisual EquipmentEach room at the conference venue will have a minimum of the following:•Dataprojector•Laptop•ScreenPresenters should bring their presentation to the conference on a memory stick or CD Rom. A technician will be onsite to load your presentation. However you will be emailed 2-3 weeks prior to the conference by the organizers who will ask for you to email your presentation if you have it ready.Presenters RegistrationAll presenters, are required to register for the conference. Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs.Re-Accessing your Abstract SubmissionWhen you submit your abstract you will be given an access key. If you wish to submit a new abstract or replace an existing abstract you can do this through the abstract link prior to the closing date of 13th July 2012.