Welcome The issues that future climate change raise for society go far beyond the underlying physical sciences and lead to basic questions about how society should respond to likely climate change futures. Dealing with the effects of changes in our climate, and with ways of limiting those changes, will require increasing collaboration between different sectors of society, both locally and globally. It also raises the need for new ways of addressing the likely consequences in the next decade, as well as those for future generations. Our response to climate change now requires a clearer social perspective to encourage effective contributions from both scientists and policymakers. These can then be the basis for changes broadly acknowledged and accepted by our society through generally agreed pathways. The NZCCRI invites you to a Forum to discuss these pathways for addressing the climate change challenge and by so doing initiate this conversation with groups in society. The Forum will be policy relevant and interdisciplinary and designed to bring wider groups in society into an ongoing dialogue. The two day Forum will cover four half day themes Climate Change and society's challenge Communication between the science community and society Human behaviour and the capacity to change Towards durable decision-making The structure of the Forum will be in four half-day themes. The first three sessions will start with overviews from three speakers and then be followed by three dialogue discussions between participants and the speakers. Each session will have a recorder to capture the main strand of the discussion for a final summary session on day two. The final decision-making session will have two speakers and two dialogue groups and a longer plenary on the Ways Forward followed by a short summing up. To open the discussion further to a wider audience a café session for the wider public will be held on the evening of Day 1 chaired by Ian Wedde (6.00 - 7.30 pm) and the following morning a breakfast session of business participants will be hosted by Chris Laidlaw (7.00 - 8.30am). There will also be an ice breaker the evening before Day 1 of the Forum with registration at Mac's Brewery. We look forward to your attendance Professor Martin Manning Director NZCCRI Forum scope The NZ Climate Change Research Centre Organising Committee has selected speakers to provide an overview of each theme.  Across the four themes a wide range of issues will be presented and discussed at the Dialogue sessions - the challenges that the science gives society, how these challenges are communicated or could be, what drives human behaviour and the capacity for change and how decision making cane be approached for a durable future. The dialogue session will enable all participants to have a dialogue with the speakers and other participants over the two days. Forum Secretariat Conferences & Events Ltd PO Box 24 078 Manners Street Wellington 6011 Ph: +64 4 384 1511 email: CFF@confer.co.nz Click here to download the Forum flyer. We are grateful for the extremely generous support of Dr Lee Seng Tee, Singapore Also supported by Wellington City Council. Sponsored by: