12th International Workshop on Sap Flow

31 October – 3 November 2023, Rotorua
Nau mai, Haere mai, welcome to the XII International Workshop on Sapflow, to be held in Rotorua, New Zealand, from October 31 to November 3, 2023 (with an optional evening icebreaker on the arrival day October 30). On behalf of the local organising committee we warmly invite you to join us in Rotorua to discuss the newest scientific ideas and discoveries relating to plant sap flow and transpiration. Join us for this latest workshop in a well-established international series, where topics of discussion will range from fundamental understanding of the physics of sap flow in plants, to the role of plant vascular functioning in plant ecology, hydrology, agriculture and irrigation management.
Famed for its cultural and geothermal attractions and situated within the productive Bay of Plenty Region, Rotorua provides easy access to a variety of beautiful landscapes and research sites, including extensive forestry, horticulture, and national parks. The workshop will include a diverse and inclusive program, a field trip, cultural activities and opportunities to exchange ideas and form new collaborations.
We hope you will join us for this exciting workshop, and we look forward to welcoming you to Rotorua in 2023!