18th International Meiofauna Conference

5 – 9 December 2022, Virtual
The International Meiofauna Conference (IMCO) has been held every three years since 1969.
After a lot of discussion, the 18th International Meiofauna Conference Committee has decided we will move the conference to an online only format.
We considered delaying the conference with the hope of an in-person event (of course we all would have preferred this!), but decided against this given that the current dates are already later in the year than usual, all the uncertainties involved, and as we prioritise the health and safety of our members, ensure compliance with government rules and follow best practice to minimise the spread of covid.
Whilst we cannot meet in person, the conference will provide an opportunity for researchers and students to connect after what has been a challenging period due to covid and share their latest findings.
We welcome your abstract submission and registration.
18IMCO will be held in conjunction with MeioScool, a week-long summer school for students and researchers wanting to obtain better knowledge of meiofauna sampling, identification and exological applications under the guidance of international experts. The format of MeioScool is still being finalised and an update will be posted soon.
visit: https://confer.eventsair.com/cmspreview/18th-international-meiofauna-conference/