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Speakers We are inviting a number of distinguished speakers from around the world to update us on current developments. We will be posting speakers’ biographies and abstracts on this page as the information becomes available.  If you have a particular speaker who you would like to see included in the programme please email woc@confer.co.nz Page two Ann Abraham Ann Abraham was Parliamentary Ombudsman for the United Kingdom, and Health Service Ombudsman for England from 2002 to 2011. As Ombudsman, Ann was an ex-officio member of the Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council of Great Britain. She was previously Legal Services Ombudsman for England and Wales from 1997 to 2002 and Chief Executive of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux from 1991 to 1997. Ann served on the UK Committee on Standards in Public Life from 2000 to 2002. During her tenure as Ombudsman Ann published her trilogy of ‘Ombudsman’s Principles’: Principles of Good Administration, Principles of Good Complaint Handling and Principles for Remedy. These Principles have been widely endorsed and adopted in the UK and beyond. Ann has had a long involvement with the British and Irish Ombudsman Association (BIOA), initially as a member of BIOA’s Executive Committee, then as Chair of the Association from 2004 to 2006 and subsequently as a member of BIOA’s Validation Committee.  In 2010/2011 she chaired a working group reviewing BIOA’s Criteria for Recognition of Ombudsman Schemes. William P. Angrick II William P. Angrick II served as Citizens’ Aide/Ombudsman for the State of Iowa, USA, from 1978 until his retirement in 2010   He held the offices of President of the United States Ombudsman Association (USOA) of Ombudsman and President of the Board of Directors of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI). Angrick was a member of the Standards Committee of the United States Ombudsman Association which produced the 2003 Governmental Ombudsman Standards adopted by the USOA.  http://www.usombudsman.org/documents/PDF/References/USOA_STANDARDS.pdf  He was also member of the Ombudsman Committee of the Administrative Law Section of the American Bar Association (ABA), which produced the 2001 Resolution expanding upon the ABA’s original definition and standards for Ombudsmen offices.  He has made numerous presentations and authored papers and articles on ombudsmanship and public administration, including testifying before a Subcommittee of the US Congress and the Administrative Conference of the United States on matters relating to the establishment of ombudsman offices. Prior to his appointment as ombudsman, Angrick served on the Political Science and Public Administration faculty of Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, USA, from 1973 to 1978.  His primary teaching and research areas were state and local government. Angrick’s graduate and undergraduate degrees in Political Science are from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Michelle Bachelet  Ms. Michelle Bachelet is the first Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, which was established on 2 July 2010 by the United Nations General Assembly. UN Women works with the entire UN system, governments, civil society and the private sector to advance women’s empowerment and gender equality worldwide. Ms. Bachelet most recently served as President of Chile from 2006 to 2010. A long-time champion of women’s rights, she has advocated for gender equality and women’s empowerment throughout her career. One of her major successes as President was her decision to save billions of dollars in revenues to spend on issues such as pension reform, social protection programmes for women and children, and research and development, despite the financial crisis. Other initiatives included tripling the number of free early child-care centres for low-income families and the completion of some 3,500 child-care centres around the country. She also held ministerial portfolios in the Chilean Government as Minister of Defence and Minister of Health. As Defence Minister, Ms. Bachelet introduced gender policies intended to improve the conditions of women in the military and police forces. As Minister of Health, she implemented health care reform, improving attention to primary care facilities with the aim of ensuring better and faster health care response for families. Bruce Barbour, NSW Ombudsman Bruce has been the NSW Ombudsman since June 2000. He has 25 years experience in administrative law, investigations and management. Bruce has led the office through significant change and growth, including a merger with the former Community Services Commission in 2002. Bruce is the regional vice president of the International Ombudsman Institute, representing the Australasian and Pacific Region Ombudsman. He has played an active role in reforming that institute and has been involved in projects aimed at strengthening the capacity of existing Ombudsman in the South Pacific. Before his appointment as Ombudsman, Bruce was a senior member of the Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal and a member of the Casino Control Authority. He was also a former Director of the Australian Broadcasting Authority. Bruce is also the former Regional Vice President of the International Ombudsman Institute. Marco Bini Marco is the Director, Policy and Coordination Directorate in the Office of the Victorian Auditor-General. The Directorate provides a range of services to senior executive in the Office and to the Auditor-General himself including co-ordinating public events, client relationships, liaison with the Parliamentary Accounts and Estimates Committee, providing secretariat for the internal audit committee and internal auditor, aspects of business planning and other policy issues. Marco also provides a range of legal and administrative advice to the office including statutory interpretation, contracting, application of public sector legislation, and legal issues arising from audits. Marco is frequently involved in advising on performance audits. Prior to this, Marco worked for 5 years in Government branch within the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet. The branch provides a range of advice to Cabinet and the Premier in areas such as public sector industrial relations, intergovernmental agreements and relationships and structural issues relating to government entities. Marco's field of expertise is primarily in the governance of government entities, public law and the public sector. Marco was instrumental in the development and passage of the Victorian Public Administration Act 2004. Prior to this, Marco has worked in a number of positions in the private and public sector including with the Victorian State Revenue Office, Local Government Victoria, the Workcover authority and private legal practice. Marco holds a Masters Degree in Law, a Masters Degree in Economics and a Masters of Public Policy and Management, all from the University of Melbourne. Dwight L. Bishop Ombudsman for the Province of Nova Scotia Dwight Bishop was appointed Ombudsman for the Province of Nova Scotia on January 1, 2004, and reappointed in January, 2009. The Ombudsman’s legislative mandate embraces general responsibilities with respect to provincial and municipal levels of government and also includes specific responsibilities in relation to children and youth, and disclosure of wrongdoing (whistleblowing). He was also Acting Review Officer, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy for the Province of Nova Scotia from January 2006 to February 2007. Previous to his appointment as Ombudsman, Mr. Bishop was a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for 34 years, retiring as an Assistant Commissioner, Commanding Officer for Nova Scotia. During his time with the RCMP he led the provincial police force through emergency situations such as the Swissair disaster and 9/11. Mr. Bishop is a member of the Canadian Council of Parliamentary Ombudsman, Forum of Canadian Ombudsman, International Ombudsman Institute, an executive on the Canadian Council of Provincial Child Youth Advocates, a member of the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society, and a life member of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police. He was previously an executive member of the Criminal Intelligence Service of Canada, and a Governor of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires, NS. He has been involved in a number of community organizations including the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics, and the WWII Annual Remembrance Day Church Service Association. The recipient of numerous commendations, Mr. Bishop has been awarded the Order of Merit of the Police Forces, Canada; the Queen's Jubilee Medal; the RCMP Service Medal; the Order of St. John's; an Honourary Doctorate, Civil Laws from Acadia University; service recognitions from the Government of Canada and the Province of Nova Scotia; and was named an Honourary Chief, Mi’kmaq First Nation. A native of the Annapolis Valley, Mr. Bishop is a graduate of Acadia University and Dalhousie Law School. Jonathan Boston Jonathan Boston is Professor of Public Policy in the School of Government, Victoria University. He served as Director of the Institute of Policy Studies during 2008-11. He has published widely in the fields of public management, tertiary education, social policy, comparative government, New Zealand politics and climate change policy, including 27 books and nearly 200 journal articles and book chapters. Alex F M Brenninkmeijer National Ombudsman of the Netherlands Alex.F.M. Brenninkmeijer started his work as ombudsman on 1 October 2005. As Dutch National Ombudsman he aims to provide a service that is easily approachable and confidence-inspiring for members of the public with complaints against government. He encourages authorities to pay more attention to the way they deal with individual citizens in concrete cases. Parliament re-appointed him on January 18, 2011 for a new six years term. Mr Brenninkmeijer was professor of constitutional and administrative law at the University of Leiden and at the same time held a Chair in labour law and ADR (mediation). He also has occupied various judicial posts at district court level and as vice-president of the court of appeal. Alex Brenninkmeijer is a specialist in conflict analysis and methods of conflict resolution. He has been a mediator in a great variety of cases. He has published widely in this area and has set up a number of research projects. He is a pioneer in the mediation field and has contributed to the professional development and quality assurance programme of the Netherlands Mediation Institute. He has also developed a master's course in mediation in co-operation with the University of Amsterdam. Arlene Brock,  National Ombudsman for Bermuda In 2005, Arlene Brock was appointed by the Governor of Bermuda (in a competitive process and after consultation with both the Premier and Opposition Leader) as the island’s first Ombudsman. She holds a B.A. from McGill University; a J.D. (LL.B.) from York University in Toronto and a LL.M. from Harvard Law School (her thesis: the International Human Right to Reproductive Health). Ms. Brock worked in insolvency litigation in Toronto and reinsurance litigation in Bermuda. She trained negotiators and mediators and conducted systemic reviews and strategic planning around the world with Conflict Management Inc. (corporate arm of the Harvard Negotiation Program which pioneered the “interest-based” negotiation / mediation methodology). She also interned with the N.Y. office of the U.N. Center for Human Rights.  Ms. Brock was recruited home to Bermuda as Principal for Strategic Initiatives of a reinsurance company and later consulted to the Ministry of Labour. She was also an Acting (judicial) Magistrate in Family Court and Lecturer in employment law. She served as Chair of both the Permanent Arbitration Tribunal and the Police Complaints Authority. In 2009, Ms. Brock was elected to the Board of Directors of the IOI and also as the Regional Vice-President for the Caribbean and Latin America. Judge Sir David J Carrutthers - Chairperson - New Zealand parole Board Born and raised in Pahiatua, David Carruthers graduated in 1962 from Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, with an LLB and completed his LLM (Hons) in 1964. Judge Carruthers practised in Wellington before returning to practice law in his home town of Pahiatua. A move to Palmerston North and his own practice preceded this by being appointed a Family Court Judge and Youth Court Judge in Wellington in 1985. In 1995 Judge Carruthers was appointed Principal Youth Court Judge and in 2001 he was appointed as Chief District Court Judge, a position he held until his retirement in 2005. Presently Judge Carruthers is the Chairman of the New Zealand Parole Board.   Judge Carruthers has long been an advocate for alternative dispute resolution and an outspoken supporter of restorative and therapeutic justice initiatives. Judge Carruthers holds that it is better to involve communities directly in the criminal justice system in order to obtain better outcomes which reduce crime and acknowledge victims’ concerns. The Judge has spoken at a large number of international and national conferences and has been an author of a number of papers presented in overseas seminars.  In 2002, he chaired the Ministerial Taskforce on Youth Offending. Judge Sir David Carruthers was made a Distinguished Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2005 for his services to the District Courts.  He was knighted by the Governor-General in 2009. Mai Chen Mai Chen is a founding partner of Chen Palmer New Zealand Public and Employment Law Specialists, Barristers and Solicitors, which has won the best Boutique Law Firm in 2010, and the best Public Law Firm in the New Zealand Law Awards in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 Finalist in Employment Law. Mai is also Professor (Adjunct) in Commercial and Public Law at the University of Auckland Business School as of 1 January 2011. Mai is currently writing “Public Law Toolbox” for publication by Lexis Nexis in March 2012. Mai has published about 100 articles and conference papers and contributed to 7 books and major reports, mainly in the public law area. Mai won Next Magazine’s Business Woman of the Year in 2011. Formerly a senior lecture at Victoria University Law Facility in Wellington, Mai has also sat on the Securities Commission, the New Zealand Board of Trade and Enterprise’s Beachheads Programme, the Asia New Zealand Foundation, the Advisory Board of AMP Life Limited (NZ), and is Chair of the Advisory Board of New Zealand Global Women and President of the Harvard New Zealand Alumni Association (NZ). Mai also sits on the New Zealand Law Society Public and Administrative Law Committee. Mai was in the 2009 and 2010 Unlimiteds magazine’s top Influencers List. Mai has a First Class Law Honours degree from Otago University, a Masters degree from Harvard Law School, is a fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Management, and an Honary Associate of Auckland University of Technology. Fong Man Chong The Commissioner Against Corruption of Macao SAR, Fong Man Chong, obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degree (majoring in criminal jurisprudence) from the University of Macau, and a doctoral degree from the Faculty of Law of the Renmin University of China, specializing in administrative law. Dr. Fong joined the public service of Macao in March 1987. In 1998, he was appointed the judge of the Court of General Jurisdiction. Before he was promoted to the President of the Collegiate Bench of the Court of First Instance in September 2002, he served as the judge of the Court of Penal Prosecution and the Administrative Court. On 4th November 2009, he was promoted to the judge of the Court of Second Instance. In 2002, Dr. Fong took the position of standing member of the Pedagogic Council of the Legal and Judicial Training Centre. Not only was he assigned the President of the Management Committee of the Legislative Assembly Election held in 2001, 2005 and 2009, but also a member of the Management Committee of the Chief Executive Election of Macao SAR in 2004 and 2009. Between 1996 and 2009, Dr. Fong taught in the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau and had given lectures to students of the Bachelor’s and the Master’s Program in different subjects. In additions of tutoring various courses held by the Legal and Judicial Training Centre, the Macao Polytechnic Institute and the Academy of Public Security Forces, he also lectured apprentice lawyers on the course on civil litigation law held by the Macao Lawyers Association. Moreover, he has published a series of books and articles covering different subjects on jurisprudence. Helen Clark Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme Helen Clark became the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme on 17 April 2009, and is the first woman to lead the organization. She is also the Chair of the United Nations Development Group, a committee consisting of the heads of all UN funds, programmes and departments working on development issues. Prior to her appointment with UNDP, Helen Clark served for nine years as Prime Minister of New Zealand, serving three successive terms from 1999 - 2008. Throughout her tenure as Prime Minister, Helen Clark engaged widely in policy development and advocacy across the international, economic, social and cultural spheres. Under her leadership, New Zealand achieved significant economic growth, low levels of unemployment, and high levels of investment in education and health, and in the well-being of families and older citizens. She and her government prioritized reconciliation and the settlement of historical grievances with New Zealand’s indigenous people and the development of an inclusive multicultural and multi-faith society. Helen Clark advocated strongly for New Zealand’s comprehensive programme on sustainability and for tackling the problems of climate change. Her objectives have been to establish New Zealand as being among the world’s leading nations in dealing with these challenges. Helen Clark was also an active leader of her country’s foreign relations and policies, engaging in a wide range of international issues. As Prime Minister, Helen Clark was a member of the Council of Women World Leaders, an international network of current and former women presidents and prime ministers whose mission is to mobilize the highest-level women leaders globally for collective action on issues of critical importance to women and equitable development. Helen Clark held ministerial responsibility during her nine years as Prime Minister for New Zealand’s intelligence agencies and for the portfolio of arts, culture and heritage. She has seen the promotion of this latter portfolio as important in expressing the unique identity of her nation in a positive way. Helen Clark came to the role of Prime Minister after an extensive parliamentary and ministerial career. First elected to Parliament in 1981, Helen Clark was re-elected to her multicultural Auckland constituency for the tenth time in November 2008. Earlier in her career, she chaired Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee. Between 1987 and 1990, she was a Minister responsible for first, the portfolios of Conservation and Housing, and then Health and Labour. She was Deputy Prime Minister between August 1989 and November 1990. From that date until December 1993 she served as Deputy Leader of the Opposition, and then as Leader of the Opposition until winning the election in November 1999. Prior to entering the New Zealand Parliament, Helen Clark taught in the Political Studies Department of the University of Auckland. She graduated with a BA in 1971 and an MA with First Class Honours in 1974. She is married to Peter Davis, a Professor at Auckland University. PHIL CLARKE Queensland Ombudsmen Phil Clarke, Queensland’s sixth Ombudsman, commenced in January 2011. He took up the role of Ombudsman after a 26-year career in the Queensland Public Service, including executive roles in education and training, local government and justice administration. During his career in the public sector, he oversaw the establishment of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal and reforms to the civil and criminal justice system in Queensland. He also led the implementation of local government reforms in Queensland, halving the number of local councils. Mr Clarke holds a Master of Regional Science from the University of Queensland, Diploma of Teaching from Griffith University and a Bachelor of Applied Science from the Queensland University of Technology. Roberta Clarke Roberta Clarke is the Regional Programme Director of UN Women Caribbean Office. She is a sociologist and attorney at law with a specialisation in human rights law. She has written on gender and development including on violence against women and gender mainstreaming. She has been the Vice President of the Trinidad and Tobago Family Planning Association, Editor of the legal journal of the Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago ‘The Lawyer” and Board member of the organisation- Women, Law and Development International. Roberta has also been a member of the Advisory Council of Interights as well as the International Council for Human Rights Policy. She is the mother of four children. PROFESSOR ANDREW COYLE CMG PhD FKC Andrew Coyle is Emeritus Professor of Prison Studies in the University of London and Visiting Professor in the University of Essex. He has a PhD in criminology from the Faculty of Law in the University of Edinburgh and is a Fellow of King’s College London. Between 1997 and 2005 he was founding Director of the International Centre for Prison Studies. Previously he worked for 25 years at a senior level in the prison services of the United Kingdom. He is a member of the Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland, the UK Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council and the UK Foreign Secretary’s Expert Committee against Torture. He is a prisons adviser to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the UN Latin American Institute, the Council of Europe, including its Committee for the Prevention of Torture, and several national governments. He has recently drafted a Code of Ethics for Prison Staff on behalf of the Council of Europe. His books include The Prisons We Deserve, Managing Prisons in a Time of Change, A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management (published in 16 languages), Humanity in Prison and Understanding prisons: Key issues in policy and practice. He was appointed a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George in 2003 for his contribution to international penal reform. P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, European Ombudsman P. Nikiforos Diamandouros is, as of 1 April 2003, the European Ombudsman. From 1998 to 2003, he was the first National Ombudsman of Greece. He has also been Professor of comparative politics at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Athens since 1993 (currently on leave). From 1995 to 1998 he served as Director and Chairman of the Greek National Centre for Social Research (EKKE). He received his B.A. degree from Indiana University (1963) and his M.A. (1965), M.Phil. (1969) and Ph.D. (1972) degrees from Columbia University. Prior to joining the faculty of the University of Athens in 1988, he held teaching and research appointments at the State University of New York and Columbia University respectively (1973-78). From 1980 to 1983, he served as Director of Development at Athens College, Athens, Greece. From 1983 to 1988, he was Program Director for Western Europe and the Near and Middle East at the Social Science Research Council, New York. From 1988 until 1991, he was the Director of the Greek Institute for International and Strategic Studies, Athens, a policy-oriented research organisation established with joint funding from the Ford and MacArthur Foundations. In 1997, he held an appointment as Visiting Professor of political science at the Juan March Centre for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Madrid). He has served as President of the Greek Political Science Association (1992-98) and of the Modern Greek Studies Association of the United States (1985-88). In 1999 and 2000, he was appointed member of Greece’s National Commission on Human Rights and the National Council for Administrative Reform respectively. In 2000, he was a participant in the Bilderberg Conference. Since 1990, he has been co-chair of the Subcommittee on Southern Europe of the Social Science Research Council, New York, whose activities are funded by a grant from the Volkswagen Foundation. He is also joint General Editor of the Series on the New Southern Europe published by the Johns Hopkins University Press and the recipient of Fulbright and National Endowment for the Humanities research grants. He has written extensively on the politics and history of Greece, Southern Europe and Southeastern Europe and, more specifically, on democratisation, state and nation-building, and the relationship between culture and politics. His hobbies include reading, writing, classical music and films. Andrew Ecclestone  Andrew Ecclestone has worked on Freedom of Information issues since 1993, when he started working for the UK Campaign for Freedom of Information.  After 8 years’ work with the Campaign, success was achieved when Parliament enacted the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  Following this, he was seconded to the UK government department with responsibility for leading work on implementation of the Act from 2001-3, as Policy Manager for FOI.  During this period, he also represented the UK in negotiating the Council of Europe Recommendation 2002(2) on Access to Official Documents.  Since 2006, he has worked in the Office of the Ombudsman in New Zealand, but is speaking here in a personal capacity.  He has a BA (Hons) in History from the University of Sussex, and a Masters in Public Policy from Victoria University of Wellington.  He has spoken at workshops and provided advice on FOI to the World Bank Institute, governments, information commissioners, and civil society in Mexico, Serbia, Indonesia, Cambodia, the Solomon Islands, Bangladesh and Australia, and works as a researcher and consultant from time to time.  He organized the 5th International Conference of Information Commissioners for the New Zealand Ombudsman in 2007, and was a speaker at the 3rd ICIC in Mexico in 2005 and the 7th ICIC in Canada in 2011. Chris Field Chris Field is the Western Australian Ombudsman.  He concurrently holds the roles of Energy Ombudsman and State Records Commissioner. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Australia and holds a Professorial Chair in Consumer Law at La Trobe University.  He is the author of the university text, Current Issues in Consumer Law and Policy, numerous articles on law, economics and public policy and the ‘Consumer Dealings’ editor of the Australian Business Law Review. Immediately prior to his appointment as Ombudsman he was an inaugural Member of the Economic Regulation Authority, Western Australia. His previous roles include Executive Director, Consumer Law Centre Victoria; Chair, Australian Consumers’ Association (now Choice); Chair, Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre, Director, Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria and lawyer, Arthur Robinson and Hedderwicks (now Allens Arthur Robinson).  He holds Arts and Law (Honours) degrees. Karen M. Finnegan   Karen Finnegan is the first Deputy Director of the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS), which is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. The mission of OGIS is to review agency compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), to provide mediation services to resolve FOIA disputes, to recommend policy changes to Congress and the President to improve the administration of FOIA, and to serve as the government-wide FOIA Ombudsman.  Ms. Finnegan has served as an Attorney, Program Manager, and leader with extensive experience in multiple Federal agencies, working on Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and related programs. Over a 14-year career, she has developed an expertise in transparency and open government issues. For nearly 10 years she has served on the Board of the American Society of Access Professionals (ASAP), including service as President, Treasurer, and National Conference Chair. Ms. Finnegan graduated from The Pennsylvania State University and Temple University School of Law and served in a judicial clerkship in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Arne Fliflet Arne Fliflet was born in 1946 and received his law degree in 1971. He was a university lecturer in jurisprudence at Oslo University in 1973 and has subsequently lectured on public law at the Universities of Oslo, Bergen and Tromsø, as well as acting as examiner in this field. He was Assistant Judge in Førde in Sunnfjord in 1974 to 1975. From 1975 to 1990 he practiced law, both in public administration and in a private practice. From 1976 to 1986, he worked at the office of the Attorney General, interrupted by a study period in London in 1979 and a period as Public Prosecutor at the Eidsivating Public Prosecutor’s office in 1980-81. He was granted right of audience in the Supreme Court in 1978 and was permanent counsel for the defence in Eidsivating Court of Appeal from 1989 to 1990. The Storting appointed Arne Fliflet as Parliamentary Ombudsman for the first time in 1990. He has subsequently been re-elected five times, the last appointment being in 2009. Arne Fliflet has published specialist literature on public law both in book form as well as articles. Dr Tom Frawley CBE Northern Ireland Ombudsman In September 2000 Tom Frawley was appointed Assembly Ombudsman and Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints. Born in 1949, Tom moved to Belfast as an eleven year-old from his native Limerick. He studied at St Mary's Grammar School in Belfast and graduated from Trinity College, Dublin in 1971.   Following graduation in 1971 he joined the National Health Service. In 1973 he was appointed Unit Administrator at the Ulster Hospital, Dundonald and his career in the health service later took him to North and West Belfast and Lisburn.  In 1981 he became Chief Administrative Officer in the Western Health and Social Services Board, at the age of 31 the youngest person in the UK to be appointed to such a post, and in 1985, following the implementation of the Griffiths Report, he was appointed as the Board's General Manager, a post he held until September 2000. In 2001, as Ombudsman, the Standards and Privileges Committee of the Assembly asked that he become the interim Commissioner for Standards at the Assembly.  In June 2002, at the invitation of the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, he became the chair of the Panel of Experts that was appointed to support the Review of Public Administration.  In 2003 Tom Frawley received an honorary doctorate from the University of Ulster. The award acknowledged his impressive track record of public service. In November 2006, Tom was elected as the Vice President of the World Board of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), and is currently a Director of the European Board of the Institute. In 2008 Tom was awarded a CBE in the New Year Honours List.  Tom has a keen interest in public and current affairs and in outdoor activities generally but especially rugby and gaelic football, both of which he has played in the past. He lives in Derry with his wife Marie and Rachel, Joseph and Daniel. Andrew Goldsmith Andrew Goldsmith is Executive Director, Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention, and Professor of Law, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia. He holds degrees in law, criminology and sociology, and has practised law in South Australia and Victoria.  He has a longstanding interest in police governance and accountability, and has published extensively in this area, including two books on civilian oversight of policing.  In 2010, he established the Integrity Studies program at the University of Wollongong. In November 2011, he was the keynote speaker at the Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference in Fremantle, Western Australia. Among his current research interests is the significance of social media for public sector accountability. Nathaniel Heller Heller has split time between social entrepreneurship, investigative reporting and traditional public service since 1999, when he joined the Center for Public Integrity and began, along with Marianne Camerer and Charles Lewis, to develop the Integrity Indicators and conceptual model for what would become Global Integrity. At the Center, Heller reported on public service and government accountability; his work was covered by the Associated Press, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Moscow Times, The Guardian (London), and Newsweek. His reporting on the human rights impact of post-9/11 U.S. military training abroad won awards from both Investigative Reporters and Editors and the Society for Professional Journalists. In 2002 he joined the State Department, focusing on European security and transatlantic relations. He later served as a foreign policy fellow to the late-Senator Edward Kennedy in 2004. In 2005, Heller returned to stand up Global Integrity as an independent international organization and has led the group since. You can learn more about Nathaniel by visiting http://integrilicio.us. Hewitt Humphrey Hewitt Humphrey, MC for the conference, has had a career in radio and television broadcasting spanning almost 48 years.  He has worked as a presenter, interviewer, editor and newsreader on both media.  Most of his work has been with Radio New Zealand, as a news presenter and manager, where he is currently Manager of Presentation Standards with responsibility for presenters, newsreaders and on-air training.  He has also been a teacher of speech, drama and public speaking. Twice a year, he takes time out from his radio work to act as official MC for Royal Investiture ceremonies at Government House in Auckland and Wellington.  He is also a marriage celebrant.  Hewitt is a Visiting Justice to prisons in the Wellington region.  He also presides over summary and infringement offences, and bail hearings as a Judicial Justice in the District Court and manages the JP Court Panel.  A Past-president of the Wellington Justices of the Peace Association, he is responsible for the training of new, provisionally appointed JPs.  Hewitt is the current president of the Rotary Club of Wellington, an ambassador for Variety - The Children’s Charity and is a member of the Management Committee of the NZ–UK Link Foundation.  He is a former President of Wellington Repertory Theatre.  Philip Joseph Philip Joseph is Professor of Law at the University of Canterbury specialising in public law.  He is the author of the text Constitutional and Administrative Law in New Zealand (3rd ed), Wellington, Thomson Brookers, 2007, which is currently being revised for a fourth edition.  He contributed the “Administrative Law” and “Constitutional Law” titles for the legal encyclopaedia The Laws of New Zealand, and authored the chapter “The Judicial System” for the government publication, Te Ara – the Encyclopaedia of New Zealand.  He has contributed to specialist books of essays and has published widely in the legal periodicals.  In 2004 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws in recognition of his research contributions.  Professor Joseph is Consultant to the law firm Russell McVeagh and has been advisor to government departments, parliamentary select committees and corporate and private clients.  He is on the editorial advisory boards of Public Law Review (Sydney) and New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law (Wellington), and is a Contributing Editor to New Zealand Law Review (Auckland).     Young-ran Kim, Chairperson, Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission(ACRC), Republic of Korea Ms. Young-ran Kim has been the Chairperson of ACRC since January 2011. She is playing an active role in enforcing of the newly passed Act on the Protection of Public Interest Whistleblowers. She was elected to the Asian Directors on the IOI Board of Directors in August 2011. She had worked as a judge for 30 years(1981-2010), including 6 years(2004-2010) as the first female Justice of the Supreme Court in Korea. As a judge, she had tried to accomplish the social justice by listening to the voices of socially disadvantaged people and minorities. She holds LL.B.(1979) and LL.M.(1983) from School of Law, Seoul National University. Professor Irena Lipowicz – Human Rights Defender of the 6th term of office In 1976, Irena Lipowicz graduated with honours from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia, and started to work there. In 1981, she acquired the title of the Doctor of Law, and in 1992 the title of Doctor Habilitatus. Since 1980, Irena Lipowicz has been a member of "Solidarność" Trade Union and she was a founding member of its Upper Silesian division. Between 1991 – 2002, a Sejm deputy; she was a member of the Constitutional Committee of the National Assembly which drafted the Constitution of 1977. Since 1977, she has chaired the Local Self - Government Committee of the Sejm; she was a deputy chairman of the Freedom Union Parliamentary Club as well as of the parliamentary assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE); she was also a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Since 1998, a professor of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw; currently the head of its Administration Law and Local Self-Government Department. Between 2000 and 2004, she held the office of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Austria. Between 2004 – 2006, she served as the Ambassador – Representative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Polish – German relations. Elected to the College of the Supreme Audit Office for the years 2005 - 2010. Between 2006 and 2010, a teacher of Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities. Between 2008 and 2010, a member of the Committee on Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Between 2008 and 2010, she held the office of managing director of the Foundation for Polish - German Cooperation. Decorated with the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Granted the Edward J. Wende award as well as the award of Grzegorz Palka for the services rendered to local self-government. In 2009, awarded the degree of Doctor honoris causa by the Osnabrück University. She was also awarded the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold for the Services to the Republic of Austria, the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as decorations of the provinces of Styria and of Upper Austria. On 10 June 2010, Professor Irena Lipowicz was appointed by the Sejm and the Senate of the Republic of Poland as the Human Rights Defender. Dr Richard Kirkham, School of Law University of Sheffield. Dr Richard Kirkham has been researching the ombudsman institution for almost ten years and has written extensively on the subject. In 2011 his book /The Ombudsman Enterprise and Administrative Justice /(co-authors T.Buck and B.Thompson - Farnham: Ashgate) was published which analysed the constitutional role of the ombudsman in the 21^st century. Dr Kirkham's current research is centred on exploring the different means by which the ombudsman institution can demonstrate its impact, as well as the effectiveness of the various ways by which the ombudsman's work can be called to account.   André Marin, Ombudsman of Ontario, Canada As Ombudsman of Canada’s largest province since 2005 (reappointed in 2010), André Marin’s investigations into broad systemic issues have sparked widespread government reforms affecting millions of citizens. His Special Ombudsman Response Team (SORT) focuses on high-profile field investigations affecting large numbers of people, from the screening of newborn babies to property tax assessment to the provincial lottery system. Mr. Marin’s training course, “Sharpening Your Teeth,” hosted annually by his office in Toronto and also in Vienna by the IOI, has trained hundreds of ombudsmen and administrative watchdogs around the world in the SORT methodology and best practices for conducting systemic investigations, assessing evidence, and putting together memorable, persuasive reports. Mr. Marin has been North American Regional Vice-President of the IOI since 2006. He is the sixth Ombudsman of Ontario since 1975 and the first to be reappointed. Mr. Marin also served as Canada’s first military ombudsman from 1998 to 2005, and Director of Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit from 1996 to 1998. Prior to that, he was an Assistant Crown Attorney and part-time professor of law at the University of Ottawa, where he also received degrees in common and civil law. Page two Back to top
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