It is my pleasure to invite you to Wellington for the inaugural Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in New Zealand. The Summit is a cross-sectoral collaboration working to accomplish the SDGs by 2030, also known as Agenda 2030.
In 2015, the 17 SDGs were signed off by all governments in the United Nations. Governments alone can’t deliver on the SDGs. The SDGs are an exciting opportunity for business, government, civil society and the tertiary sector to align their purpose and provide leadership on the delivery of Agenda 2030. It is critical that we transform our world and develop sustainable well-being. This Summit aims to start a cross-sectoral conversation to bring the SDGs home to New Zealand.
As a capital city university, we are delighted to welcome delegates to Victoria University of Wellington for the inaugural Summit committed to placing the SDGs firmly on New Zealand’s agenda.
This Summit has two aims. First, to inform and excite leadership across sectors by displaying international and national examples of government, business, civil society and academia using and measuring progress on the SDGs. Second, we must act quickly and develop cross-sectoral partnerships and collaborations for concrete actions to deliver on the 17 goals. This New Zealand Summit embodies Goal 17 - Partnerships for the Goals.
The SDGs are everybody’s responsibility!
The cross-sectoral steering team is planning an exciting day on 23 April 2018 at Victoria University with leading thinkers, practical examples and structured opportunities for networking and building momentum behind action.
When you sign up for the Summit, you will be presented with the opportunity to propose and develop ideas for discussion topics at the ‘action stations’ at the Summit. If you arrive with great ideas, the audience will be set up to give instant feedback via an app. The best idea will be recognized and revisited at the next SDG Summit in Auckland in 2019.
I look forward to welcoming you into this growing community of cross-sectorial partnerships for the SDGs. Let’s work together to deliver Agenda 2030!
Marjan van den Belt
Summit Convenor and Chair of the SDG Summit Steering Group
Victoria University of Wellington
SDG Summit Steering Committee
Kate Alcock, Climate & Resources Manager at Sustainable Business Council
Ronja Ievers, National Administrator at United Nations Association of New Zealand
Thomas Neitzert, Vice Chancellor's Taskforce for Sustainability at Auckland University of Technology
Anaru Fraser, General Manager at Hui E! Community Aotearoa
Girol Karacaoglu, Head of School, School of Government at Victoria University of Wellington
Capital thinking. Globally minded.