AEIC 2018 Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts is now closed and only poster submissions will be considered

Critical Dates:                 

Sunday 14 January             Deadline for abstract submission
Wednesday 24 January      Acceptance Notifications
Sunday 11 February            Early bird Registration
Monday 12 March              Deadline for Poster Submission

Abstract submission:

  1. Abstracts are submitted online and should be no longer than 300 words. Please submit your abstract as a WORD document using this template. You only need to enter the abstract and references on the template, all other details are completed as part of the online submission form.
  2. Complete the online submission form including entering the title of your abstract, selecting a theme, choosing type of presentation you would prefer (oral/poster), adding authors and affiliations, entering the presenting author biography and email address, and any other additional information.
  3. Submissions must be completed by 14th January 2018.
  4. A confirmation email will be sent out once the submission has been completed.

Science Themes

  1. Isotopes in ecology
  2. Isotopes in hydrology and hydrogeology
  3. Isotopes in global environmental change science
  4. Isotopes in geochronology and environmental studies
  5. Isotopes in natural resource management
  6. Isotopes in authentication
  7. Frontiers and advances in isotope techniques

Abstracts must focus on scientific results or their application. The scientific committee may decline to consider abstracts with other focus.

Following the abstract deadline, submitted abstracts may be placed in a different, more appropriate theme than the one to which it was submitted.  Final decisions regarding placement of individual abstracts and sessions rests with the science committee.

Your abstract will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee but not edited. You will be advised by 24th January 2017 whether it is accepted or not.

If accepted, it will be published in the electronic book of abstracts for the conference and we look forward to you presenting it.

Presentations should be sent to the Conference Organisers by email ([email protected]) before the conference or brought with you on a USB stick. A speaker preparation room will be available for you to check your presentation through with an AV technician. There is no template for your presentation, however please ensure you use widescreen (16:9) format.

Submitting an abstract for the conference does not mean that you are registered for conference, you will need to complete a separate online form to complete your conference registration. This can be done at any time, it is fine to wait until you have been notified of acceptance of your abstract submission to do this. You will be emailed details on how to complete your conference registration once your abstract submission has been made. All authors that have a presentation accepted will still need to pay the standard registration fee for the conference. The early registration deadline is the Friday 2 February. All presenting authors must be registered by this date.

Poster Presentations
There are a limited number of poster presentations available. Poster boards are 1m wide and 2m high.  We recommend printing posters portrait in A0 size to ensure it fits on the board. The Poster session will be in the Oceania Room on 26th March from 16:30 - 18:30. Drinks and canapes will be provided. Please put your poster on display by 16:00 on 26th March. Your poster can remain on display until the end of Conference, if you wish to keep your poster please ensure you remove it before Conference closes.